They will know that if they work together as a team, things will be completed quicker and better.
I feel that learning how to motivate people and to work together as a team will be the major goal of my leadership.
These compounds work together as a team and provide more protection when eaten as whole foods, rather than supplements.
Nice to meet you George. I'm glad you'll be working for us. We're like a big folks here. We 'sl work together as a team.
Nice to meet you George. I'm glad you'll be working for us. We're like a big family here. We all work together as a team.
Fatigued individuals who work together as a team display better problem-solving skills than those who face their fatigue alone, according to new research.
That goes the same for this teamwork challenge - When we work together as a team, we can lift up and carry this long pole across the field with just two fingers!
With their other European partners they plan to unleash a swarm of autonomous oil-cleaning robots on oil slicks that are able to work together as a team to deal with the spill.
When a team, such as a group of software developers, wants to work together on something in real time, something more elaborate is needed.
Just tell your partner you'd like to sit down and have a talk about the future - what your goals are and how you can work together, as a team, to achieve them.
只要告诉你的另一半你想坐下来,谈谈你们的将来- - -你们的目标和怎么共同去实现你们的目标。
She's realizing that they each have different strengths, and as a team they work well together.
If possible, you should apply as a team of a film-maker and choreographer who want to work together.
I can be as creative as I want to, especially if I have a good team of teachers to work with, and that we can work together and bounce ideas off each other.
I have a very good feeling, the team is backing me and we will try to work together as best we can for the rest of the season.
A strong work ethic "is very important for working together as a team, " he told the young fan who asked about it in Dallas.
Try to work and get along with other sales persons as much as possible in the sales work as a team to accomplish monthly sales volume together.
Basketball is a team sport and after you work so hard over the season as a team, what you accomplish together is so rewarding.
Basketball is a team sport and after you work so hard over the season as a team, what you accomplish together is so rewarding.