I think it will work well in other countries.
You should be able to work well in a team and adapt to an international working environment.
Previous lab studies have shown that smelly socks work well in attracting mosquitoes.
Poured concrete retains walls work well in the heavy or unstable soil and steep slopes, making other walls inadvisable.
Does your trading process work well in up and down markets?
I thrive on challenge and work well in high-stress environments.
I thrive on challenge and work well in high-stress environments.
Tiny planes work well in the air but don't have the chops to handle the street.
Python comes with a few built-in templating systems, which work well in simple cases.
Python 提供了少许内置模板系统,它们在简单情况下工作得很好。
I don't think it would work well in Atlanta, where there's little chance of media coverage.
Furthermore, external Jar references do not work well in a distributed development environment.
Streaming transformations work well in situations where the XML documents are extremely large.
These cool colors are refreshing to look at and work well in both traditional and modern design.
True breakthroughs come when research shows how existing tools can be adapted to work well in resource-poor Settings.
If we get through all three segments and there is no hesitation about a candidate, the candidate will work well in our team.
If we want to be happy, we should focus on 90 percent things that work well in our life and forget the 10 percent that don't.
The one area of agreement among this group was that traditional databases don't work well in a scalable cloud environment.
I have done this in several projects and my conclusion is that it doesn't work well in most environments. Here are some of the reasons.
This means that countries cannot directly apply policies that work well in one setting to others and expect to get the same results.
He thinks the approach identifies people who work well in a group setting, a critical skill at a business that 'demands team collaboration.'
Micro cars with just two seats and ranges of only around 50km are also coming: they will charge quickly and work well in crowded cities.
Is there a tool or action you think might work well in the future that you'd like to test next time (e.g. a geo-location service like Foursquare?)
有没有什么工具或者行动你认为在未来可以并且会加以应用以使工作变得更好?(比如像是Fours quare那样的地理环境服务?)
Furthermore, because one coarse grained service may work well in a particular environment does not necessarily mean it's best suited elsewhere.
The technology "tends to work well in rodents, but moving it to larger animals gets more complicated," says Weir, who is not involved with the company.
Khan discusses the typical job advertisement that includes a statement such as "must be able to work well in a team" and asks what that actually means?
The technology "tends to work well in rodents, but moving it to larger animals gets more complicated, " says Weir, who is not involved with the company.
The fact that indoor-based control methods work well in many places suggests that outdoors mosquitoes aren't major contributors to malaria, he says.
The fact that indoor-based control methods work well in many places suggests that outdoors mosquitoes aren't major contributors to malaria, he says.