The national talents working conference proposes establishing the scientific talent's view.
This whole municipality that is the reporter to hold from the 28th winter the spring irrigation working conference up learn of of information.
From 1998 to 2003, central authorities continuously convened six Rural Working Conference, and didn't change the aim that increases peasant income.
When you're working, you feel like you're neglecting domestic duties, and when you're spending time with your family, you feel like you should be prepping for that conference call.
On the flip side, staying late at the office and working weekends has acquired a very different negative connotation - this one at the parent-teacher conference.
requested the working group on Art 12 (Education, communication, training and public awareness) to submit draft guidelines for consideration of the Conference at its fourth session;
Once the video conference is over, you can quit pretending like you're working and go back to your Playbook gaming.
“We are a poor nonprofit, and I’ve been working on this issue for years, ” said Mr. Kaye, who hopes to receive grants from the drug makers to help pay for the conference.
Two conference rooms on the sixth floor of the FDIC's Washington office housed an implementation working group.
Karl Kurtz, of the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), says that lawmakers in many states had a good excuse last week for working on Martin Luther King's birthday, a federal holiday.
NCSL的卡尔库尔特(KarlKurtz)说道,很多州的立法者对上周在马丁路德金(Martin LutherKing)的生日那天(联邦法定假日)继续工作都备有绝好的借口。
We are working hard with partners from around the world to achieve a successful outcome at the Copenhagen conference this December and protect the planet for our children and grandchildren.
Our conference centre, ha ha, that's one of my working areas.
The Association of Teachers and Lecturers surveyed 859 teachers, heads, lecturers and support staff working in state and independent schools ahead of its annual conference.
The price ranges from 45 dollars to thousands of dollars a month and gives different access to the facilities, such as office equipment, conference rooms, dedicated desks, and private working spaces.
Working from home allows women to attend conference calls in sweats and send emails at 2 a. m. in pajamas.
I was interviewed in a formally decorated conference room and given a tour of the department I'd be working in.
We then surround our tree with the Spaces we would spend most of our time in, namely the conference room and our working area.
I was interviewed in a formally decorated conference room and given a tour of the department I'd be working in.
There are areas with a panoramic view, like the restaurant, the large conference room and the auditorium, as well as more introverted working environments.
A charge of50% of the registration fee, plus a 10% administrative charge will be billed for cancellations received in writing at least thirty working days prior to the conference.
The conference was organized by the Langfang City Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Langfang City, brothers and co-truth of the Working Group.
It features three working areas, two press conference halls, an exhibition area and a catering area.
Traditional IP phone must depend on PSTN or PC when working, so this thesis proposed a Design of Voice-Terminal for network-conference Based on DSP.
As per your request, I have booked the conference rooms for ABC company working review.
As per your request, I have booked the conference rooms for ABC company working review.