Working lunch-offered: Two working lunches and two bottles of mineral water are provided for exhibitors.
We can make it a working lunch this afternoon, and I'll order some Chinese food for delivery. It'll be my treat.
To facilitate the training schedule, you can have buffet at 1st floor of the hotel as the working lunch, RMB98 per person including tips.
Ask for a 2 hour lunch and make it a working lunch. Get out, stretch your legs, and settle into a quiet place for a solid hour of uninterrupted work time.
If the friendly cooperative group have a group visit to the fair, we can provide exclusive reception services of the thematic visit route, explanations of tour leaders, team photos and working lunch;
After lunch, wait until dinner to check it again. Spend the afternoon in classes in working.
Sloan used to hit the martinis at lunch when they were working on the book together.
Wait until lunch to check your E-mail for the first time in the day. Spend the morning in classes and working.
Make sure you eat a good breakfast so you don't have to stop working when the hunger pangs kick in, and schedule yourself a reasonable lunch break.
Lunch breaks were getting longer, coffee-breaks more frequent, and Francis felt like he was spending more and more of his time just making sure people were at their desks working.
Are you working longer hours, attending more meetings, taking shorter vacations, answering more emails and eating lunch at your desk, if you eat lunch at all?
For example, working hours might be from 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m., Monday through Friday, with an exception period from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. for lunch.
"We have noticed", we said to him at lunch, "that you have still not yet provided the aforementioned puppy." "I'm working on it," said Daddy.
Our young staffers were working long hours and weekends, and it seemed foolish to me to require them all to leave for lunch, order in, or bring a paper bag with food from home.
If your excuse for not exercising regularly is "I don't have time," consider working out during your lunch hour (and yes, you're entitled to one).
Under the provision, air force officers and soldiers may face punishment including demotion, degradation or dismissal for drinking alcohol at lunch on working days.
If you're working in a city and youve got seven errands do during your lunch hour, you dont want to wait at all.
A magazine editor I know, for instance, once had a writer tell her at noon on a Wednesday that the time-sensitive piece he was working on would be in her in-box by the time she got back from lunch.
He spends his lunch hour at his desk working frantically to finish the project ahead of time.
So can working through lunch or getting up a half hour earlier (or staying up a half hour later).
Usually, working out a half an hour before lunch is the best idea, because by the time your meal arrives your body is ready to swiftly metabolize.
Taking a short walk is such a simple thing to do - you can do it during your lunch break, or take a break when you've been working for a couple hours straight.
Obviously, you’re going to be restricted by your day job hours – but can you try working on your small business first thing in the morning? Or exercising at lunch time?
They started working after lunch.
When Deepinder Goyal was working at a consulting firm three years ago, he found his colleagues kept a stack of menu CARDS handy so that they could order lunch from different restaurants.
Find a regular time slot to use for working on your goal. E.g. Your lunch hour; every Saturday morning from 9am - 11am.
An outdoor business lunch provides a much-needed break from the office, and moods are elevated while working in the fresh air.
An outdoor business lunch provides a much-needed break from the office, and moods are elevated while working in the fresh air.