This approach helps you set the optimal values for your specific environment and workload.
You need to have a strong grasp of the underlying data model and workload patterns to effectively utilize affinity routing, but this approach can significantly improve performance.
Put-enabling and put-disabling queues is a good approach because clustering will automatically propagate changes to the put attribute and use the attribute when workload balancing.
The same occurrence can be modeled as several simple events or a complex aggregate event -- either approach having different workload characteristics.
Part 2 presents the implementation details of a workload throttling approach that you can use to impose a limit on the rate at which messages are propagated to a given endpoint system.
This article described the JMS-compliant message bus and scheduler capabilities to implement a simple approach to asynchronous workload throttling.
However, this approach means the topology does not achieve full workload balancing because adding Server Foundation nodes results in higher throughput demands on the central queue manager.
The logging service might stay with the Web services approach and use a cluster of servers to spread out the workload over many computers.
This approach has the potential to significantly reduce the subjectivity when attempting to model controller and pilot workload, an important requirement in future designs.
It's important to let your boss know if your workload or a project is seeming unmanageable, but approach it carefully.
It's important to let your boss know if your workload or a project is seeming unmanageable, but approach it carefully.