This forum is dedicated to the exchange of workplace English for white collar workers.
During your employment you will need to complete training relating to Australian workplace English and Australian workplace culture.
Today marks the launching of the workplace English and Putonghua training programme, organized by the Ad Hoc Quality Taxi Services Steering Committee, for in-service taxi drivers like yourselves.
While we can use English to describe employee roles in the workplace, computer systems require their own language to describe each service's role.
From the information you've given us, it would appear that your organization has no rules requiring that employees speak only English in the workplace.
According to a survey by the Polytechnic University, English was perceived as the most vital language skill in the workplace.
Nearly 14,000 organizations in 150 countries throughout the world trust the TOEIC test to determine who has the English language skills to succeed in the global workplace.
To master English used on various important daily occasions and can use English in the workplace.
Today nearly 14,000 organizations in 150 countries throughout the world use the TOEIC? Tests each year to determine who has the English language skills to succeed in the global workplace.
I performed the role of the company receptionist in this English role-playing test at workplace.
For more than 30 years, the TOEIC listening and reading test has set the standard for assessing English-language listening and reading skills needed in the workplace.
This website introduces the Test of English for International Communication, or TOEIC. TOEIC measures the non-native speaker's English ability in their daily workplace activities.
Those were the words of an English High Court judge, Mr Justice Burton, on November 3rd as he ruled that green beliefs deserve the same protection in the workplace as religious convictions.
Those were the words of an English High Court judge, Mr Justice Burton, on November 3rd as he ruled that green beliefs deserve the same protection in the workplace as religious convictions.