The benefits of a workplace safety program can directly affect the company's bottom line, reducing costs and improving productivity.
They also receive training in the technology of lens grinding and coating, workplace safety, and interpersonal communication skills.
Workplace safety affects all industries from the food service industry to protection against biological agents in the medical industry.
Citing workplace safety concerns, the models said the high heels are almost impossible to walk in and would threaten their health. (See photo).
The award is presented for implementing exceptional workplace safety and health programs and maintaining low employee injury and illness rates.
Such trials are costly and complex to design well for workplace settings, he explained, and federal financing for workplace safety studies is scarce.
We will strengthen the oversight and supervision of food and drug quality.We will ensure workplace safety and reduce the occurrence of major accidents.
While you're reading it, note any topics you need further clarification on such as performance management, attendance, promotions, salary adjustments or workplace safety.
While you're reading it, note any topics you need further clarification on such as performance management, attendance, promotions, salary adjustments or workplace safety.
Bangladesh is the most transparent country in the world in terms of workplace safety standards, as the inspection reports of each of its factories are publicly accessible on the Internet.
Article22 Where a sole proprietorship enterprise employs workers, it shall enter into labor contracts with the workers, and ensure workplace safety and make full and timely payment of wages.
While firms in America's most dangerous industries would love to toast a triumph of workplace safety in the 21st century, there's no escaping the fact that fewer jobs, in general, existed last year.
Excessively skinny models have been a point of controversy for decades, and two researchers say a model's body mass should be a workplace health and safety issue.
My coworkers have been worrying about health conditions and complaining about safety hazards in the workplace.
The topics cover such things as workplace co-operation and dispute resolution, occupational health and safety, working conditions, globalisation and change processes.
国际劳工组织(ILO)利用其国际专长设计并推行这些改良方案。 培训内容包括:工作场所合作及解决纠纷、职业健康与安全、工作条件、全球化以及变化过程。
If you're speaking on health and safety, tell them stories of people injured in your workplace and the consequences it had for them.
Every seafarer has the right to a safe and secure workplace that complies with safety standards.
When required by company, contractors will undertake workplace risk assessments to analyze job safety requirements. These assessments must meet the requirements established by law and by company.
Certification in workplace hazardous materials information system (WHMIS), transportation of dangerous goods (TDG), and courses in safety practices may be required.
可能需要具备工作场所有害物质信息系统WHMIS,危险货物运输t DG,和安全实践的课程认证。
Meanwhile, developing economies require workers to have at least basic literacy and numeracy skills to facilitate better communication of training and safety procedures in the workplace.
Demonstrate andawareness and compliance of Health and Safety policies in the workplace.
And while poor factory safety doesn't necessarily equate to unsafe food, industry officials say workplace problems of any kind around food raise risks it will be contaminated during processing.
Assess your workplace equipment with the help of a safety expert to determine whether upgrades or updates could help prevent injuries.
Maintain the safety standard in the workplace and protect the environment of the site in accordance with the local law.
Maintain the safety standard in the workplace and protect the environment of the site in accordance with the local law.