She leaves the medical advice to doctors, instead offering insightful and practical tips that reflect the world view of a young adult.
Now Neptune faces competition from the Stratollite, a balloon being developed by a company called World View Enterprises.
It has a quality that is different from Humbert's elaborate world view through which we see or don't see Lolita.
In western cultures, simultaneously seeing both good and bad 'violates our world view, our need to put things in boxes,' says Dr. Larsen.
Perhaps they extrapolated from their observations and powers of reasoning to construct an allegorical world view.
But more than anything the briefings reveal how the ISI's world view is framed by its decades-old enmity with India.
Many an entrepreneur fails because they don't know how to do this type of exercise with a "real world" view.
But to understand a world view, or a philosophy or system of thought, it is not enough just to understand the propositions it contains.
This provides a modeling framework that enables developers to define a conceptual model of a database schema that closely aligns to a real world view of the information.
Reinforcing the Israelis' gloomy world-view is their fear of Iran's nuclear programme.
They reacted to this threat by affirming their cultural identities more strongly than those who had read Aesop's fable, which didn't challenge their world-view.
Skills such as introspection, reflection, empathy (stepping out of one's customary world-view), and non-verbal communication are also important to future success.
By mixing melodrama with social concern, Mizoguchi is able to follow five story strands while maintaining a world view that is consistently critical regardless of the individual outcomes.
I can tell you, reader, about my past life and about my 'world-view 'also, as I ramble along.
The world view of MEPs revolves around their direct election, which marks them out from rival European Union institutions.
On the other hand the magic devices did not come up to expectations and do not bear witness to the magic world view.
In essence, a world view has two elements: a set of assumptions about our world, and application of those assumptions to life.
Next time Apple does something that infuriates you, or makes you go "huh?" remember that Apple has its own unique world view.
We still share the same world view and she knows me better than any other human being.
Why we use this term is because Paul, as far as we know it, never wrote an apocalypse, and yet his letters show strong influence of apocalypticism, that is an apocalyptic world view.
His whole world view began in a rock pool and swept up to a study of the stars.
Another problem is that people have a great deal invested in the established world view; it will not be dismantled and reassembled easily.
However, even if you customize a tool to align with your strategic development process, it will promote a certain "world view" that will inevitably influence your development process.
But it didn't change their world view, it didn't create another mindset.
I can see both the Navajo and the Western pointsof view, and that has given me a more holistic world view andmade me more accepting of people's differences.
Critics of the Flat Earth Society say that its members simply deny any evidence that conflicts with their world view without offering real alternative hypotheses.
To recreate the daily activities of these bankers as well as their world view, the exhibition includes paintings and mercantile paraphernalia, from weighty ledgers to nautical maps.
We rarely hear about them, because they fundamentally challenge a world view that regards the market as solution and saviour.
We rarely hear about them, because they fundamentally challenge a world view that regards the market as solution and saviour.