Bailyn holds that, contrary to the notion that used to flourish in America history textbooks, there was never a typical New World community.
The World Community Grid uses idle computers to help treat, cure and diagnose diseases.
This is a persuasive way that we can move forward as a world community that is intersecting.
China has changed tremendously in the past twenty years. China has become a member of the world community.
Currently, about one million personal computers in one hundred countries are involved in the World Community Grid.
The success of the World Community Grid depends upon individuals collectively donating their extra computer power.
Members of the Nursing Fellowship have participated in World Community Service projects to provide medical expertise.
This World community Service project built the school, supplied backpacks and uniforms, and revitalized the community.
Then, he says, the World Community Grid will become the world's largest super computer able to do many projects a year.
In addition to being a member of our country, we are members of the world community, and this gives us a global identity.
At that point, the world community, including China, will surely follow suit knowing that the diplomatic route has been exhausted.
The World Community Grid is making technology available to public and non-profit organizations to use in humanitarian research.
What are the international health Regulations (2005) and why does the world community need them to enhance international health security?
I firmly believe improved U.S.-China cooperation is critically important, not just for our own two countries but for the world community.
As auditing standards convergence in the international auditing standards, China's CPA industry is gradually to the world community.
Encourage clubs and districts to list literacy projects in need of assistance on the World Community Service (WCS) projects Exchange.
Most deputies said the Universal Periodic Review mechanism is a platform for the world community to exchange experience and face challenges together.
The IBM corporation started the World Community Grid more than two years ago. The company continues to provide advice and support to the project.
Districts should also consider TRF's humanitarian objectives and seek pairings that may lead to Matching Grant or World Community Service projects.
In a talk with reporters, Clinton said the world community is only getting mixed signals from Tehran and that it is time to pursue additional pressure.
Craigslist has evolved in its own organic way over time while staying true to a kind of human expression that mimics a real-world community bulletin board.
The Somalia piracy is part and parcel of the larger crisis resulting from the failed Somali state and the negligent and hands-off attitude of the world community.
The visit came at a time of serious escalation in the Israel-Palestine conflict and the Middle East situation has raised serious concern of the world community.
The visit came at a time of serious escalation in the Israel-Palestine conflict and the Middle East situation has raised serious concern of the world community.