The World Community Grid uses idle computers to help treat, cure and diagnose diseases.
Currently, about one million personal computers in one hundred countries are involved in the World Community Grid.
The success of the World Community Grid depends upon individuals collectively donating their extra computer power.
Then, he says, the World Community Grid will become the world's largest super computer able to do many projects a year.
The World Community Grid is making technology available to public and non-profit organizations to use in humanitarian research.
The IBM corporation started the World Community Grid more than two years ago. The company continues to provide advice and support to the project.
Volunteers download a program from the World Community Grid Web site. Every so often, the program uploads results or downloads more information to be processed.
World Community Grid was chosen because it demonstrates how computers could be turned into powerful research tools helping address some of the world's most difficult health and societal problems.
World Community Grid was chosen because it demonstrates how computers could be turned into powerful research tools helping address some of the world's most difficult health and societal problems.