Most of the area, population, and industrial production of the Soviet Union, then one of the world "s two superpowers, lay in Russia."
Russia, as part of Soviet Union, is known to have produced a great number of world champions and setting a number of world records in swimming and track and fields.
Then, after four decades of Cold War competition, the Soviet Union disintegrated, and the United States was the sole great power in the world.
Prior to the follow-up meeting in 1983 in Athens, Greece, the All-Union Society withdrew from the world body, under threat of expulsion.
It put Lithuania—literally—back on the world map, from which it had been wiped by its forcible annexation by the Soviet Union in 1940.
它使立陶宛能够重振国威,也正如这句成语字面上所表达出的意思,重登世界地图。 自1940年被苏联强行吞并后,立陶宛就从世界地图上消失了。
The Soviet Union consolidated its hold on Eastern Europe and sought to expand its influence elsewhere in the world.
During the 1960s, the Soviet Union and United States raced to become the world leader in space exploration.
The union has a population of 500m men, women and children who are among the most educated and skilled in the world.
Per capita tippling in Britain is only the 12th-highest in the European Union, according to the World Health Organisation.
The Soviet Union believed that the countries in its sphere of influence, which it expected would include all Third World nations, would stay home.
Bad weather - especially an unprecedented heat wave in the former Soviet Union, which led to a sharp fall in world wheat production - has also played a role in driving up food prices.
The rematch renews a battle that began in 1984 in an epic series of world title games that lasted five months and came to symbolise the competing forces then at play in the Soviet Union.
But behind it sits a big debate not only about the direction of the European Union, the world's biggest economic unit, but also about what sort of economy works best in the modern world.
And again that scent hallows the union of man and earth and awakens in us the only really virile love in this world: ephemeral and noble.
I'm convinced and my colleagues in the World Bank are convinced that Turkish membership in the European Union will not only enrich Turkey but it will enrich Europe as well.
Its peers in the rich world-including Britain, the largest European Union economy outside the euro-had enjoyed faster growth and lower unemployment but now looked vulnerable.
His performance was enough to merit a call-up for the 1958 FIFA World Cup in Sweden, which England exited after a first round play-off defeat by the Soviet Union.
由于表现优秀,他被召入参加1958年瑞典世界杯的国家队阵中。 遗憾的是,英格兰队在第一轮附加赛中被苏联击败,小组赛阶段结束后就打道回府。
On paper, European privacy rules are thestrictest in the industrialized world; the European Union likes to refer toprivacy as a fundamental right.
If the floodgates prove ineffective, though, Unesco and the European Union may eventually step in to help develop a long-term solution to help save this World Heritage Site.
For the first time in history, countries with significant resources have united under one World Union.
Everybody should be clear for one element: in this world, there is one set of complete and rigorous organized financial system exist, that is world Union Funds.
大家必须明白一点的是,在这个世界上,是有一套完整和组织严密的金融体系存在的,它就是- - -世界联合基金会!
Although the whole strength is descend after the disaggregation of Soviet Union, Russia is still an important force in the world.
So only Northern Ireland joined with England, Wales and Scotland to become the United Kingdom and this was shown to the world in a new flag called the Union Jack.
As we leave the European Union, we will forge a bold, new positive role for ourselves in the world.
As we leave the European Union, we will forge a bold, new positive role for ourselves in the world.