People of my generation who lived through World War II have vivid memories of confusion and incompetence.
During the World War II, millions of Germans lost their lives.
They died during World War II at the end of the movie.
My grandfather served in World War II, and I hope to be just like him someday.
After World War II, benefit payments to American workers did not keep up with the cost of living.
Although the city preserves a good look in general, some of its heritage was destroyed in World War II.
After World War II, many Japanese abandoned the arranged marriage as part of their rush to adopt the more democratic ways of their American conquerors.
He was also regarded as a great patriot because not only did his cartoons praise America, but, during World War II, his studios made training films for American soldiers.
Those private citizens who sent packages to our troops occupying Germany after World War II and marked them GIFT to escape duty payments did not bother to find out that "Gift" means poison in German.
The United States bestowed honorary citizenship upon England's World War II prime minister, Sir Winston Churchill.
The world hasn't faced such a big challenge since World War II.
Daniel's father, Klaus, remembered being told by his grandpa that a plane from Germany had hit their farm during World War II.
It was there that the young Jewish girl wrote her famous diary during World War II.
After World War II, the dread of another Great Depression gave way to an economic boom.
The castle was built during World War II as an air defense base against German bombers.
Regardless of who they are or what they do, Americans spend more time at work than at any time since World War II.
Babies who were in the uterus during the 1944 Dutch famine of World War II did worse on mental tests than those of similar ages even 60 years later.
After World War II ended, in the winter of 1946, he continued his graduate studies at the University of Illinois.
Though being a woman was a novelty, it was growing so fast the opportunity was there, just as the opportunity was there for women during World War II.
Hence, if we are lucky, the current downturn will also be moderate, though likely worse than the other U.S. post-World War II recessions, including 1982.
After the detonation of nuclear bombs at the end of world War II, the world moved deeper into the atomic age and the nuclear standoff between the superpowers.
The example given is that of World War II, which can be called by many different names in publications, but is brought together under a single heading in LCSH.
This book and many other new and old sources make clear Japan blundered into World War II without any real strategy, then made a total mess of its conduct.
Now, the General Motors Co. dealership that has been around since 1926 and managed to survive the Great Depression and World War II, is faced with closing.
"Wilson" is a mediocre and now justly forgotten film that won five Academy Awards because of its usefulness to the debate over the aftermath of World war II.
"Wilson" is a mediocre and now justly forgotten film that won five Academy Awards because of its usefulness to the debate over the aftermath of World war II.