China held a grand parade in Beijing to mark the defeat of Japan in World War Two, displaying its military power on an unprecedented scale.
The landscape of parts of Japan looks like the aftermath of World War Two; no industrialised country since then has suffered such a death toll.
As well as all of the world war two action, the show also has a Vietnam era section which centers around the rescue of a pilot downed in hostile territory.
Moving pictures from before World War Two showed a man named Buck Rogers landing on the planet Mars. He was a hero who could defeat any enemy from outer space.
Japanese court has rejected a compensation lawsuit filed by 40 Japanese citizens who were left behind in China as children in the closing days of World War Two.
"The OSCE parliamentary assembly just recently grouped together Germany and the Soviet Union, pronouncing them to be equally responsible for world war two," Medvedev said.
Winston Churchill was Britain's prime minister during World War Two. His statue shows him making a V-for-victory sign with one hand. The other hand holds a cane and a cigar.
温斯顿。丘吉尔是二战期间的英国首相。他的铜像显示的是他用一只手做了一个v 字形的代表成功的手势。另外一只手拿着一根手杖和雪茄。
He stayed in Belgium through World war Two and was accused and cleared of collaboration immediately afterwards, although he suffered a period of being ostracised as a result.
Glashuette was at the heart of a watchmaking industry that rivalled Switzerland's until Russian bombers destroyed its main workshops on the day World War Two ended in Europe.
The A-26 is one of the lesser known combat aircraft of world war two, which is strange since it remained in service for an exceptionally long time, right into the Vietnam war.
My father fought in World War Two. And he must have been a real hero -- he has a whole box full of medals. But he’s a tight-lipped man who never talks about what he did to earn them.
The new-historiography is a new reform movement to traditional historiography, which appeared between the late 19th century and the early 20th century, and rose after World War Two.
The employees of Japanese-based Fujita construction company were in China concerning a project to dispose of chemical weapons abandoned by Japanese military forces after World War Two.
Well, Father, at the beginning of World War Two, a beautiful young woman knocked on my door and asked me to hide her from the Germans; I hid her in my attic, and they never found her.
A vintage train has left Prague for London, as part of commemorations marking the 70th anniversary of the evacuation of Jewish children from Czechoslovakia to Britain during World War Two.
A nurse famously photographed being kissed by an American sailor in New York's Times Square in 1945 to celebrate the end of World War Two has died at the age of 91, her family said on Tuesday.
A Marlet was the first American-made plane to shoot down a German plane during world war two, a Ju 88 bomber intercepted by the British in December of 1940 at the Scapa Flow naval base in Scotland.
He said no one should doubt America's commitment to help those leaders who embrace change, pointing to the assistance the United States gave nations in Asia and Europe devastated during World War Two.
After World War Two, influenced by linguistic turn in philosophy and the rising postmodernism, people come to know that fussy language is a linguistic phenomenon widely existing in human legal field.
The Olympic suffered two crashes with other ships and went on to serve as a hospital ship and troop transport in World War I.
The Olympic suffered two crashes with other ships and went on to serve as a hospital ship and troop transport in World War I.