The last time a major earthquake occurred along the Cascadia fault was in 1700, so officials worry that another event could occur any time.
Don't worry — we'll explain how each of these works as we go along.
” Such are words many Japanese women long to hear, along with the likes of “Don’t worry, I’ll do the dishes.”
There's always worry because of the danger and loneliness from the separation, along with many other complex emotions.
Don't worry about aggressive expansion until your initial base is secure and its resource-collecting operation is humming along at high capacity.
This time she brought a friend along. Right before the test, her friend assured her there was nothing to worry about.
So, for the "brand" marketers out there who are starting to worry that banner ads aren't particularly effective, it's time to start rethinking how you build a brand along these points.
Don't worry, you won't be for long; you'll make them fat right along with you eventually.
Styles of fathering can affect whether their children get along with others at work, have an entreprenurial spirit, worry too much about their career, burn out or become the boss, Poulter writes.
I worry about my and my colleagues' culpability along these lines.
Some kids give in to peer pressure because they want to be liked, or because they worry that other kids may laugh at them if they don't go along with the group.
Want to one umbrella, along with worry, mixing together like a poem of rain rhyme, clean to miss you, but your steps but far away.
A month later, everybody began to worry about the safety of the third young man. However, he finally showed up, hobbling along in rage.
The biggest worry for all those involved is not the technical challenge but the fate of the million people who live along the shores of Yangtze between the dam and Chongqing.
A lot of travelers like to buy such checks for they don't have to take along much cash and worry about counterfeit signature.
If you bring a costume that has elements / props to it, that might not be safe for jumping, don't worry, bring them along and we'll decide whether you can jump with them, or not.
如果你所准备的主题服装带有其他辅助物品/ 道具或会以安全为理由而不能跳跃,但请放心,我们将会在现场决定能否携带辅助物品/ 道具来进行活动的。
What's more, to take the worry out of taking it along, the Toshiba mini NB205 also comes with international limited warranty coverage, plus our award-winning service and support.
Don't worry, I will be able to go along with you, over the next few days, if you have any questions or problems, I will be right here to help you out, I can be a translator and tour guide.
Don't worry, I would be able to go along with you, over the next few days, if you have any questions or problems, I will be right here to help you out, I can be a translator and tour guide.
Shopping in Guangzhou, even if you are not the local people, you do not need to worry about everything, along the subway route, you can fully laden with riches!
All along, like a child to self-willed, do not worry, do not think the noise of the city as if nothing to do with me.
"Don't worry, Robbie, she'll be along soon," Miss Pace said as I gazed 5 forlornly down at the street.
"Don't worry, Robbie, she'll be along soon," Miss Pace said as I gazed 5 forlornly down at the street.