Don't be upset by trifles.; Don't worry over trifles.
Their worry over Iran is as acute as Israel's.
His investor letters are filled with worry over rising debts in America and Europe.
The repeated emergence of conservatism reflects Chinese intellectuals' worry over modernness.
Several Members expressed worry over the adverse impact of such spending controls on welfare services.
In fact, it seems the more you have the more you have to maintain, to insure, to protect, to worry over.
It happens naturally in a life-or-death emergency situation, when there is no time for the mind to worry over a problem.
Green Democrats are wary of nuclear, but the edge of their worry has been dulled by the even greater worry over climate change.
Like Alice's White Rabbit, Americans (particularly big-city Americans) run around in a frenzy of worry over what time it is.
"As if I'd worry over that, " said Diana reproachfully. "You know I'd far rather spend the evening with you than go to the reception.
It's hitting a man when he's down to find fault with Joe over every tiny little mistake when he is almost off his head with worry over his wife's illness.
If you find yourself doing mathematical calculations to decide how much you can afford to give or worry over what others think is sensible, don't bother. You've lost the feeling.
It was a snippet that stayed with me, as her partying lifestyle seemed contrary to such a career goal, and for a while whenever I passed her desk I would worry over the incongruity.
而她歌舞笙箫的生活方式看起来和她的职业理想一点儿都不搭调。 每次从她桌边经过的时候我总会禁不住想到这一点。
Don't worry about crossing over the tracks.
I mean, if you can just get over like being self-conscious, and just don't worry about being embarrassed.
While bullying is parents' greatest concern over all, nearly half of low-income parents worry their child will get shot, compared with one-fifth of high-income parents.
As I finally realized the money wasn't there, I could feel the worry and fear washing over me.
People over seventies won't have to worry about their daily meals.
They worry too much about their children and "fly" over them like helicopters.
Positive worry: Over the years, we continue to be amazed about the consistency with which people in love report to us that they “worry about their lover” when they are not around.
Over 60pc of respondents cited sovereign risk as their top worry.
Positive worry: over the years, we continue to be amazed about the consistency with which people in love report to us that they "worry about their lover" when they are not around.
The worry isn't really over how high the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision will set capital requirements.
At least when you invite Nicole over for dinner, you don't have to worry about cooking.
The real worry is over Mr Orban's headstrong ways and cliquish habits.
When you think about a problem over and over in your mind, that's called worry.
"When you let him take over, you don't have to worry about what you're doing to him or what should happen next," says Lloyd.
"When you let him take over, you don't have to worry about what you're doing to him or what should happen next," says Lloyd.