Worst-hit are Ethiopia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Congo.
Most of the buildings in Jiegu, the worst-hit town, were destroyed.
Worst-hit are the Mediterranean, the south-west United States, southern Africa and Australia.
In the worst-hit neighbourhoods, such as Dale City, the foreclosure signs are everywhere.
Airlines, hotels and cruise ships have all suffered, but the worst-hit are the tour operators.
Japan's economy is expected to contract by 6% this year, making it the worst-hit among rich countries.
Worst-hit is the state of Maranhao along the Atlantic coast and south of the mouth of the Amazon river.
Almost every church and Church-run school in Ayutthaya, the worst-hit province, has also been affected.
Beichuan County is by far the worst-hit area in Monday's quake. Up to 5,000 people were said dead there.
The worst-hit sectors in the third quarter were engineering and recruitment, while leisure enjoyed a strong performance.
With the world heading into recession, advertising experts believe newspapers could be one of the worst-hit sectors.
But this remedy will be hard to apply too strictly, especially in the worst-hit countries such as Ireland and Spain.
The worst-hit banks will be Wells Fargo and Bank of America, respectively Freddie and Fannie's biggest sources of mortgages.
Prices may be falling but buyers are at least returning to the worst-hit markets, tempted by cheaper homes and lower mortgage rates.
As the information flowing from some of the worst-hit areas in Pakistan increases, the specific health needs are becoming very clear.
There are reports that the value of some may have dropped by half, a decline on a par with some of the worst-hit parts of America.
According to one expert's account of nuclear emergency procedures, workers would be cycled in and out of the worst-hit parts of the plant.
Half of those killed were elderly; 95% of the dead in Miyagi prefecture, one of the worst-hit areas, drowned, according to new police statistics.
By contrast, the economy of the northern Miyagi prefecture, the worst-hit area Friday, is smaller and focused more on agriculture and lumber.
While some of the worst-hit areas are beginning to dry out, the floodwaters are moving down the Indus valley towards the one province that hasn't yet been pummeled.
He said medical personnel were on their way to the worst-hit areas in helicopters but rescue efforts have been hampered by disruption to communications in the region.
Authorities say heavy digging equipment is headed to the worst-hit areas of western Java, but time is running out for scores buried under collapsed buildings and landslides.
Major challenges include poor living and public health conditions, largely destroyed disease monitoring and containment systems and limited access to some of the worst-hit areas.
"We hope our compatriots in the worst-hit disaster areas remain calm, listen to instructions, understand and cooperate with the evacuation operation," the embassy said on its website.
In the areas worst hit by the quake, hundreds of thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes, and food and blankets are scarce.
Worst hit were a string of towns and villages on the coast either side of Concepción, the country’s second city, as well as the remote Juan Fernández islands.
最严重的地震碰撞发生在康赛普西翁(智利第二大城市,还有遥远的胡安 费尔南德斯群岛)海岸两边的一系列小镇和村庄。
The areas worst hit, including Charsadda and the neighbouring district of Nowshera, as well as Punjab, are all big food producers.
The areas worst hit, including Charsadda and the neighbouring district of Nowshera, as well as Punjab, are all big food producers.