It seemed well worth while to chance it, so he fell to groaning with considerable spirit.
Under the stress of competition, steamer was added to steamer, loss piled on loss, while the income dwindled till it ceased to be worth while to print tickets.
It's not worth while losing your temper.
It is not worth while to go round the world to count the cats in Zanzibar.
For some the view across the City of London will make a lie in well worth while.
Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worth while.
The evening was just cool enough to make it worth while to pull up the counterpane.
It is worth while applying RSIPR in developing aspect of natural gas chemical conversion.
It is worth while to apply the gray system model to predict the forest growth in practice.
I think it will be worth while to print these 5 works into a booklet for free distribution.
It is not worth while paying the membership fee for one evening. I'll sign you in on my card.
Carrie was listening without attempting to reply. She could think of nothing worth while to say.
So I felt quite easy in mind and did not think it worth while to inquire about the time of arrival.
You certainly want to keep your stones for a while to remind yourself that it was all worth while.
Do not think it worth while to proceed concealing evidence, for the evidence is sure to come to light.
Driver: Don't worry. The bus tour is really worth while. You can enjoy the whole city in a single day.
However, persevere and there could be something - or someone - worth while waiting for you at the end.
It is worth while to investigate into effect of cooperative Learning in senior English Class teaching.
Driver: : Don't worry. The bus tour is really worth while. You can enjoy the whole city in a single day.
I fell in love with the beautiful sceneries in Gui Lin when I traveled there. It was a trip worth while.
The three great essentials to achieve anything worth while are: Hard work, Stick-to-itiveness, and Common sense.
Subtle oil and gas pools related to turbidity deposit will be a target worth while for future exploration in Songliao basin.
"You have given me a glimpse of fairyland," Martin said on the ferry-boat. "It makes life worth while to meet people like that."
To avoid deficiency of empirical design method in our country, the subject worth while reference for electronic equipment design.
It is worth while to find out what amount of coal injected into the blast furnaces is most economical under certain operating conditions.
I love Bike and Stunts, and I try to work on all the different moves and to see the acceptance of the crowd makes all the hard work worth while!
It must have required a ladder to reach certain spots, but I suppose it was worth while doing it even looking at it from just the psychological viewpoint.
Conclusion: The method of treating pseudocyst of auricle by microwave is easy, effective and acceptable. It is worth while to use in clinic practice.
Conclusion: The method of treating pseudocyst of auricle by microwave is easy, effective and acceptable. It is worth while to use in clinic practice.