The shape memory textiles are developed. They include wrinkle recovery fabrics, tube fabrics and linings of bra.
At the same time, regular finishing methods cant balance the matter between wrinkle recovery angle and break strength retention.
Wrinkle recovery Angle (elastic recovery Angle) and strength loss are two important indexes of no-iron finished pure cotton fabric.
Today's accepted method of imparting crease resistance and wrinkle recovery to cotton is essentially that which was discovered in England in 1928.
The influence of fabric texture, yarn fineness and fabric tightness on moisture permeability, UV resistance and wrinkle recovery of Nylon taffeta fabrics is investigated.
The effect of variations in kinds and concentrations of catalysts, resin concentrations, curing-temperature and-time on the wrinkle recovery and tensile strength is given.
Research indicates that wool textile proceeds smoothing conditioning, not only enhances smooth handle to wool textile, further more stiffness, draping property, wrinkle recovery gender become bette…
研究表明,对羊毛织物进行平滑整理,不仅提高了羊毛织物平滑的手感,而且其硬挺度、 悬垂性、折皱回复性都得到了改善。
Hand clenched cloth after the release, the visible wrinkle and crease recovery, not easy.
Hand clenched cloth after the release, the visible wrinkle and crease recovery, not easy.