Critics of the write-downs may still be on to something, however.
UBS has reported massive write-downs and the biggest-ever Swiss loss.
Dubai World has 70 creditors who could face write-downs on their debt.
Without a recovery in asset values, Banks would be forced to make further write-downs.
Societe generale announced a loss after more big write-downs and rising loss provisions.
The result will be excessive write-downs—as the stable value of assets is above today's distressed level.
These are marked to market and have been the main source of the savage write-downs that Banks have suffered.
These lenders have resisted modification of first mortgages, fearing knock-on write-downs of their second liens.
The first is that in some extreme cases, when a large debt reduction is needed, orderly write-downs are necessary.
Because they believe investors would then assume that compulsory write-downs could be applied to other countries' bonds.
Some Banks, notably in Spain, have swapped debt for equity, putting off write-downs but potentially storing up trouble ahead.
The exposure of America's big Banks to Latin America was enormous; formal write-downs of debt would have left many of them insolvent.
In Britain, where there have been virtually no mortgage write-downs, relatively high inflation has pushed down the overall debt burden.
Many Banks have huge write-downs to make on their loans, economies are burdened with excess capacity and households' debt levels remain high.
These staffing and compensation actions and write-downs are expected to result in pre-tax savings of $200 million to $250 million in 2009.
On Friday, it said it would have a 500 million euros loss in the third quarter as a result of write-downs on real estate and other securities.
The losses will reflect vast lending to businesses that cannot repay and write-downs on acquisitions masterminded by Goodwin stretching back years.
Confidence in the bank evaporated after the collapse of two of its hedge funds and massive write-downs from losses related to the home loans industry.
But despite big write-downs, most commercial-real-estate borrowers have had the cash flow to keep loan payments current or refinance to buy more time.
UBS's share price also climbed steeply, even though it announced another $19 billion in write-downs on subprime-related and other mortgage securities.
Bank shares were particularly hard hit amid concerns that falling asset prices would lead to more write-downs; those of Citigroup fell by 23% in a day.
European bank shares trade at well below asset value, suggesting that investors expect their balance-sheets to suffer significant write-downs in future.
In America, where overall debt levels have fallen fastest, a lot of the reduction in household debt has been thanks to mortgage defaults and write-downs.
But the impact can be all too real, as write-downs reduce overall book value and increase leverage ratios, a particular concern in these debt-averse times.
Even so, Chinese bank shares tumbled this week on reports that they would have to make bigger write-downs on their holdings of American subprime securities.
But their emphasis on growth frequently led them to lend excessively, as they did to Latin America, resulting in massive write-downs and periodic financial crises.
Credit Suisse's announcement signals that losses are spreading to even Banks that until now have mostly avoided massive write-downs tied to U.S. mortgage loans.
After all, the news has been so gloomy, what with the write-downs on mortgage-related bonds, the exposure to a slowing American economy and the crisis at Bear Stearns.
关于金融股的消息的确一直都很负面:抵押贷款相关债券损失、美国经济减速风险,还有贝斯登(Bear Stearns)危机。
Greece is important because it sets precedents for the euro-over such things as debt write-downs and rescues (see article). Italy matters much more because it is so vast.
Greece is important because it sets precedents for the euro-over such things as debt write-downs and rescues (see article). Italy matters much more because it is so vast.