The embodiment of the invention also discloses a write-protect veneer and a device of hardware.
To write-protect your diskette, you press a lever toward the edge of the diskette, uncovering a hole.
The transfer of memories from the hippocampus to the neocortex could protect "these memories against interference from information subsequently encoded in the hippocampus," the researchers write.
The first approach is to write custom wsadmin scripts and protect them using operating system permissions to ensure that each administrator can only run the scripts for his servers.
Thus, the loader makes it possible to write secure programs, but you still have to protect against malicious environment variables.
因而,虽然加载器让编写安全的程序成为 可能,但您还不得不去防范恶意的环境变量。
The second is to protect German Banks, many of which hold Greek bonds, which makes them reluctant to accept any debt write-down.
That makes it more likely that the price of state support for zombie companies will be that bondholders take write-downs along with shareholders, in order to protect taxpayers and policy holders.
Game developers still need to write their programs to protect against malicious score files, however.
Write at least 60 words about the topic "How to protect myself".
Write at least 60 words about the topic "How to protect myself".