Others regard minimalists with polite curiosity (why ever would you WANT to have an empty house?), or write us off as a bit quirky (since when is it quirky to count how many socks you have?
有些人以善意的好奇心看待简约主义者(为什么你曾经想拥有一套空房子?) ,或者离奇地写信给我们。
Also keep your client's outline and other forms in front of you as you write, and check off items as you write them.
While you may be tempted to write off these problems as user error, you should resist the temptation and plan on handling invalid form submissions gracefully.
Don't let corporations write off the cost of hiring foreign workers as a business expense.
His struggle to understand and accept his father's limitations echoes our own: he gives us a reason not to write Walter off as a hopeless loon.
These above are cases involving individuals with significant limitations, and it can be easy to write them off as exceptions to the rule, but that's not the case.
Many parents often do write off the loan, both because they realize they're not likely to recoup the cash and because they see it as an act of love.
It is tempting to write this off as just another cyclical peak.
Yet it seems premature to write off the threat as long as a large output gap persists.
When others appear irrational, negotiation geniuses do not write them off as crazy.
Anyone keen on another comedy of manners will be disappointed. So too will those who hoped to write off Mr Ferris as a victim of literary hype.
Some mudslingers in this lobby have even tried to write off the entire study as unreliable.
He already had a reputation for being a bit rash and a bit of a hothead, and I fully expected his colleagues to write him off as a complete lunatic.
As the coming financial squeeze forces hospitals to write off computer systems, the result, he insists, will be "kaboom!"
Of course, those of us well-versed in 2.0isms write these questions off as a failure to understand this "new way of doing things."
As long as this is the behavior you want, like for notifying all of the elements in the original set of event listeners, you're better off using the copy-on-write collections.
如果这种行为(比如通知原来一组事件监听器中的所有元素)是您需要的,那么最好使用copy -on - write集合。
This setting will generally write a tremendous amount of data to the log.nsf and therefore, should be turned off, or at least reduced to log_update=1, as soon as possible.
此设置通常会向 log.nsf写入大量数据,因此,应该尽快关闭,或者至少减少为 log_update=1。
It is included for several reasons as I will get into now. First off, an embedded runtime allows us the opportunity to flex our muscles and begin to write parts of the plugin in Groovy.
All of us who write articles and blog postings have had our work stolen by others who pass it off as their own.
Off the top of your head, write down the ten things you value most. They may be people, activities, things, or abstract qualities, such as freedom or creativity.
Each morning, write down all the tasks you need to accomplish that day and cross off each item as you complete it.
As those bonds fall in value, the Banks have to take losses and write off capital, putting them closer to insolvency.
Write down 7 minor goals for the week and tick one off each day as you achieve it.
Write down, clearly, what needs to happen in order for you to check off your project as "finished". Feel free to share this with us in the comments.
The systematic write-off to expense of the cost of an intangible asset over its useful life is termed as amortization.
The systematic write-off to expense of the cost of an intangible asset over its useful life is termed as amortization.