On your appointment you will be issued with a written statement of particulars of employment.
Gillison and colleagues said in a written statement released in conjunction with the meeting.
Then calculated the entries drawn die assembly and non-standard components map, Further written statement.
The office of Prime Minister David Cameron said a written statement would be made to parliament later Tuesday.
House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner, in a written statement, also applauded the lower jobless Numbers.
Suspects in the killing allegedly used four doctored French passports, the prosecutor said in a written statement.
A third function of form is to protect the weaker party to the transaction by giving him a written statement of its terms.
Instead, high school principal Gregg Errebo issued a written statement defending the project as a valuable lesson in hands-on learning.
Thompson issued a written statement withdrawing his candidacy and said he hoped the country and his party had benefited from his campaign.
Policy is defined as written statement of the terms of a contract of insurance, and endorsement is the terms of modification clause.
He said in a written statement, "It's a wonderful experience for me to work on the Chinese, English and French literary translation."
In the Japanese market, over half of new policies (a written statement of a contract of insurance:) cover medical costs such as cancer.
The description should contain a diagrammatic flow chart of the whole synthesis and a written statement for each step of the synthesis.
Microsoft spokesman declined to comment beyond the written statement. Yahoo representatives could not immediately be reached for comment.
A Microsoft spokesman declined to comment beyond the written statement. Yahoo representatives could not immediately be reached for comment.
'Stalked sea lilies once covered the ocean, shallow and deep, but now are rare,' she said in a written statement. 'I've only seen a few in my career.
A written representation is a written statement by management provided to the auditor to confirm certain matters or to support other audit evidence.
In a written statement issued on his second full day in office, Mr. Obama acknowledged the deep tensions that have persisted through the decades over abortion.
The problem is that I want a formal and written statement about the Committee's letting my graduation paper pass and you don't agree with this justified requirement.
Under simplified consultation procedures the consulting member shall submit a written statement containing essential information on the elements covered by the basic document.
Mr. Jordan applauded the decision, saying in a written statement that his Chinese fans and other consumers in the country now knew that there was no connection between him and Qiaodan Sports.
Patients not knowing what has been well assured, repeatedly checks, such as repeatedly checking doors and windows are locked, cross-checks have been written statement, letter or document, etc.
In a written statement Tuesday, Mr. Obama said every day that the fighting persists brings more suffering and further delays the future of peace and prosperity that the people of Ivory Coast deserve.
In a written statement Tuesday, Mr. Obama said every day that the fighting persists brings more suffering and further delays the future of peace and prosperity that the people of Ivory Coast deserve.