It's no surprise that incorrect assumptions about what is to be built often leads to the wrong solution — especially when the people involved may not even speak the same language.
In tense situations, the wrong word or incorrect pronunciation can turn a simple misunderstanding into a dangerous situation.
Apparently, a high percentage of those records contained incorrect information: data that was wrong, missing, or published before it should have been.
Additional allegations that WHO created a 'fake' pandemic to bring economic benefit to industry are scientifically wrong and historically incorrect.
If he or she is wrong, an incorrect understanding of you and your predispositions develops.
If the implementation is difficult, then perhaps the specification is incorrect or the wrong services have been identified.
When in doubt, it is best to use simple but grammatical correct sentences that convey the correct idea then complicated grammatical incorrect sentences that convey the wrong idea.
The Sellers are not responsible for claims arising out of incorrect installation or wrong operation.
The aim of the new regulation is to ensure that incorrect levels of vitamins or blatantly wrong ingredients do not show up in the products.
It is just as though we took the Numbers that were given us to work out a problem, and put them in the wrong places. The result would be incorrect, inharmonious.
When antibiotics are used for the wrong reason or for an incorrect length of time, they may favour the growth of more bacteria resistant to that antibiotic.
These ideas are now known to be incorrect, and no doubt we are still wrong about many other things, also.
And wrong procedures or incorrect site surgeries each occur 20 or more times per week.
Wrong information specified. You have entered an incorrect user name or *. Try again.
Cause: the DN specified in the User Search TAB is incorrect, wrong, or incorrectly formatted.
Unless a serious breach is involved or the competitor has been seriously disadvantaged due to his playing from a wrong place, the strokes made after the incorrect ruling must stand with no penalty.
A rigorous analysis of the data resulted in 48 pages of wrong English expressions from chat rooms of CET-4, and 49 pages of incorrect English expressions from chat rooms of TEM-8.
The authors indicated that the complications were mainly caused by the incorrect selection of the case, the poor technique and the wrong management.
"Some trialists selected an incorrect drug as the control in their trial, thus resulting in a wrong conclusion, " Taixiang said.
Incorrect air speed readings could have led the pilots to fly so fast that the plane broke apart. Wrong data can also cause pilots to fly too slow and lose lift.
The first is we might be entering a wrong hostname assigned to the C2100 or the incorrect Admin Port number in the URL for the Appliance Manager. The second is the network interface might be down.
一个是我们输入到ApplianceManager 中的统一资源定位符的C2100的主机名或管理接口号码不对,二是网络接口可能中断。
If you are still wearing the wrong shoes, the negative effects may not show immediately, but over time you will see the results of wearing incorrect shoes.
If you are still wearing the wrong shoes, the negative effects may not show immediately, but over time you will see the results of wearing incorrect shoes.