The GUIs are commonly known as window managers, because they occupy a layer above the nitty-gritty X-Windows layer and they manage windows for you.
这些GUI通常被称为窗口管理器,因为它们占用了 X-Windows细节层上面的一层,并且它们对窗口进行管理。
Even window systems like X that were designed for use over networks have this problem — X still assumes that an application once started stays put.
Some people prefer to use the command line to execute commands with all the flags, while others prefer GUIs and X window sessions.
一些人喜欢使用命令行执行带各种标志的命令,其他人喜欢使用 GUI和X窗口会话。
Lines 362-383 are typical X toolkit calls to set up an application's main window.
To do this, you'll probably have to omit the runlevel 5 X display manager and login window; instead, log in on a console and start X yourself.
The xev program output lists every X Window System event in the attached window.
xev程序输出将在连接的窗口中列出每个X WindowSystem事件。
Still more specialized effects are available with today's range of X-based window managers, as described in " Can't Get Enough Desktops!"
如“Can'tGet EnoughDesktops!” 一文中所描述的,目前各种基于 X 的窗口管理器提供了许多专门的效果。
Open a new window on a local computer from the newly installed server with xforwarding set up (SSH -x).
从新安装的具有xforwarding设置(ssh - x)的服务器的本地计算机上打开一个新窗口。
To actually do much with the X window System, you usually run a window manager on top of it, which lets you do things such as move Windows, minimize them, and launch new X clients.
为了实际让x Window系统做更多的事情,通常在它的上面运行一个窗口管理器,让您做一些如移动窗口、使它们最小化和启动新的X客户机等事情。
The X window System itself is really just an API that has calls such as "draw a window at these coordinates."
X Window系统本身实际只是一个具有诸如“在这些坐标上绘制一个窗口”等调用的API。
The X window System and current desktop software make remote access fairly transparent: a window is a window, and the underlying application could be running on any computer.
X WindowSystem和现有的桌面软件使得远程访问变得相当透明:窗口仅仅只是窗口,而基础应用程序可以运行于任何计算机。
This allows the SendKeys command (used later) to send synthetic X window events to the currently in focus window.
这将允许SendKeys命令(稍后使用)把syntheticX Window事件发送给当前持有焦点的窗口。
You can't make a window appear on UNIX without X System window calls being involved.
After you verify your connection to the database (Figure 16), close the session (click the X in the upper right of the database session window).
The first one to try is the -id option, which lets you specify the X window System id of the window that you want to capture and therefore does not require that you select a window.
可以试试的第一个选项是-id,通过它指定要捕获的窗口的X Window系统id,这样就不需要用鼠标选择窗口。
This command will monitor the keystrokes of the currently in-focus X window and print out a cryptographic hash of the keystroke dwell times after 10 averages have been recorded across all Windows.
Yudit USES a simple if somewhat idiosyncratic interface, with a GUI-fied command-line at the bottom and the ability to enter Unicode encodings in a window running under X.
Type in plot sin (x) at the prompt: you should see the familiar sine curve in a pop-up window.
在提示符中输入plotsin (x):您应该在弹出窗口中看到熟悉的正弦曲线。
In the startup code, wm geometry . =336x32+0+707 puts the desktop extension window at the bottom of a 1024 x 768 desktop.
在启动代码中,wm geometry. =336x32+0+707将桌面扩展窗口放置在 1024x 768 桌面的底部。
The editor, therefore, does not need a terminal to run, although it needs X Window System and works as a testing tool for UTF-8-encoded fonts.
因此,这个编辑器不需要通过终端来运行,尽管它需要X Window系统,并且是 UTF-8 编码的字体的一种测试工具。
Because a portion of this tutorial deals with graphical elements of the Emacs operation in the X Window System environment, you should also have an X server up and running.
Therefore, by using an X Window System server on the host operating system, video output can be redirected to the available X server.
因此,通过在主机操作系统上使用X WindowSystem服务器,可以将视频输出转发到可用的 X 服务器。
Within that window, type screen -x -r sharing -p one.
在此窗口中,输入screen- x - rsharing - p one。
This relatively simple measurement will be recorded for every application on the X Window System desktop.
将为X WindowSystem桌面中的每个应用程序记录这个相对简单的度量。
If you want to configure the X Window System for your analog device, you need to install and run the Xautoconfig package like this.
如果您希望为自己的模拟设备配置X WindowSystem,就需要按照下面的方式来安装并运行xautoconfig包。
Now you can start the X Window System by running startx, though on an analog device your screen is pretty tiny.
现在您可以通过运行startx 来启动X WindowSystem,不过在模拟设备上您的屏幕就会显得有些太小了。
Ares I-X has a four-hour launch window on Tuesday - from 8 a.m. to noon EDT (1200 to 1600 GMT) - during which the rocket needs only about 10 minutes of clear skies to get off the ground.
战神1号- X在周二的发射窗口大概为4个小时——东部标准时间早8点至中午12点。在这段时间里,只要有连续10分钟的晴好天气,火箭就可以发射升空。
Additionally, some parts of the tutorial showing graphical elements of Emacs operation deal specifically with the X Window System.
此外,本教程的某些部分(介绍Emacs操作的图形元素)特别涉及到X Window System。
Additionally, some parts of the tutorial showing graphical elements of Emacs operation deal specifically with the X Window System.
此外,本教程的某些部分(介绍Emacs操作的图形元素)特别涉及到X Window System。