So, the x axis is interatomic spacing, and the y axis is energy.
3i is just going to go along the x axis but by distance of three instead of one.
With a one-dimensional array for line type graphs, the X axis will be integers (1,2,3...), and the data will be the Y axis.
使用线形图的一维数组,X轴将是整数(1、2、3...) ,数据将是Y 轴。
The numbers on the x axis run from 0 to 1; the numbers in the y axis are generated by evaluating the equation for each x value.
x轴的数字范围为 0到1,y 轴的数字是通过将各 x 值代入等式计算得出的。
However, if you specify a border, it may contain a double strike of bold lines at the bottom of the box, along the x axis line (Cosmetically, this wouldn't look right.).
The x axis is positive in the right direction, while the y axis is positive in the downward direction (again, this is in contrast to its traditional upward direction).
x轴在右边为正值,但是y 轴在下方为正值(这与传统的上方为正值相反)。
A negative face has an outward normal pointing in a direction opposite that of the positive x-axis.
Therefore, the X-axis span should be divided into four equal segments of length=span/4.
所以,应该将X 坐标轴的跨度分成4 个相等的区段,每个区段的长度 = 跨度/4。
Execute a multidimensional query on a cube in the workbench to display business names as labels of X-axis and Y-axis.
Hence each reading is plotted at 20-pixel intervals along the X-axis.
First, calculate the X-axis scaling factor.
In this way, label of X-axis and Y-axis will be represented using localized business name, instead of developer-oriented object name.
The X-axis is time, the left Y-axis is response time in seconds, and the right Y-axis is the number of user connections.
In the table below, the token on the X-axis can follow the token on the Y-axis if their meeting place is marked with an x.
The new version of the application is the extremely short line running along the X-axis at zero, while the previous version is the longer higher line.
The X-axis will scale itself based on the number of values passed in.
X 轴将会按照传入的数据个数自动缩放。
This is determined by the number of readings you are rendering, so you need to divide the number of pixels in the X-axis by the number of readings.
它由要呈现的读入次数决定,因此要用 X 轴的像素数除以读入的次数。
The timeline can be illustrated with any units that work best for your projects, including days, weeks, months, or more. The timeline appears along the horizontal axis (the x-axis) in most bar charts.
Business names displayed directly as labels of X-axis and Y-axis for Chinese.
Business names displayed directly as labels of X-axis and Y-axis for English.
Business names displayed directly as labels of X-axis and Y-axis for German.
So I have everything I need, then, to calculate and draw a diagram that looks just like this x Except where my x-axis is the y's instead of the x's.
So I can draw a diagram that looks just like this except now with the X-axis being the gas phase composition.
And we've seen that when I printed test and I printed X-axis, they look the same, they are the same. And in fact, I can do this interesting thing now.
Because my X-axis is describing a phase which doesn't exist on the diagram.
Of course, you can also do it geometrically because geometrically, you can see in the picture along the X-axis, the vector field is pointing vertically.
This point on the x-axis separates the important causes on the left and less important causes on the right.
Now, we notice that the X-axis is not really marked in degrees and does not look good.
Let us fix this by adjusting the tic marks on the X-axis to make named (major) marks only at 90 degree increments and minor marks at 45 degree increments.
So, for example, I tell you how to set the x-range to limit the range on the X-axis of the graph.