Last night, a stolen, incomplete and early version of X-Men Origins: Wolverine was posted illegally on websites.
When she was seen for the first time in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Frost transformed from a regular-looking human into one whose exterior is encrusted with a multitude of diamonds.
Talent: X-Men Origins: Wolverine star Hugh Jackman plays the lead for comedy director Shawn Levy (The Pink Panther, Date Night). Big news for Lost fans: Evangeline Lilly co-stars.
The studio behind “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” stated “The source of the initial leak and any subsequent postings will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law...
A super soldier program produces Marvel superhero Wolverine in the movie "X-Men Origins: Wolverine, " along with rivals Sabretooth and Weapon XI.
This was the biggest opening weekend of this year, surpassing the $85.1 million debut of ''X-Men Origins: Wolverine'' in early May.
Yes, according to Drew over at HitFix, "'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' leaked online today in what appears to be a near-finished DVD quality rip, marred only by a few unfinished FX shots."
是的,据Drewoverat HitFix上说:“今天在网上泄露的《X战警前传》是近乎完成的DVD质量的版本,只是少数特效还没有完成。”
The mutant superhero Wolverine displays indestructible claws, from the 2009 movie "X-men Origins." Credit: 20th Century fox.
He added that performance also bodes well for the company's upcoming lineup, which includes Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (June 23), Prototype (June 9), and X-Men Origins: Wolverine (May 1).
The two movies he starred in, Blade: Trinity (2004) and X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009), were considered to be among the worst of their franchises.
The Potter leak is believed to be Hollywood's highest-profile victim of piracy since a full-length copy of X-Men: Origins appeared online in March 2009.
The Potter leak is believed to be Hollywood's highest-profile victim of piracy since a full-length copy of X-Men: Origins appeared online in March 2009.