Daimler today raised a full-year forecast after second - quarter profit beat analysts' estimates.
Bank of America Merrill Lynch has cut its full-year forecast to 1.7% and is predicting 2.3% for 2012, barely in line with trend.
A life vision board, 10 year plan, 3 year forecast, annual strategic plan, and daily goal lists are useful tools of the mega-successful people.
The richest vein of job-growth information is the Labor Department's 10-year forecast for demand, pay and competition for more than 300 jobs in 45 categories.
The richest vein of job-growth information is the Labor Department"s 10-year forecast for demand, pay and competition for more than 300 jobs in 45 categories."
Porsche SE, the sports-car maker’s holding company, today improved its full-year forecast after sales beat analysts’ estimates as the new Panamera sedan attracted buyers.
In his annual new-year forecast for merger activity, Martin Lipton, a legendary takeover lawyer, notes that many of the factors that created the latest merger wave remain in place.
But we recently produced a 10-year forecast for the field, and there is an unusually strong synergy among digital 3d design, medical imaging and 3d printing for medical applications.
Box office analysts forecast 1.35 billion tickets will be sold by the end of the year, down on 1.42 billion sold in 2009.
City analysts forecast huge profits this year.
It will be a go-go business with pre-tax profits forecast to climb from $152 million last year to $200 million.
Thanks to its ongoing stimulus spending, which it is not proposing to trim, Germany's underlying budget deficit is forecast to rise this year.
Meanwhile, the Bank of Japan sharply reduced its growth forecast for the year, from 1.6% to 0.6%, because of the twin disasters.
We are now working on the sales forecast for these new products and will update investors with the 2011 full year financial forecast soon.
Growth is likely to exceed 4% this year-reaching 6%, in his own optimistic forecast.
After all, American GDP grew by a respectable 2.8% last year and growth of more than 3% is forecast for this year.
Step two: lay out a three-year macro forecast of the US economy.
After growing 48 percent in the first half of 2010, and 45 percent last year, this forecast suggests a 20 percent contraction in car sales in the second half of 2010.
Deutsche Bank added to the general unease after it abandoned its pre-tax profit target for the year and forecast that its third quarter would be "significantly below expectations".
Xerox also raised its full-year adjusted earnings-per-share forecast to a range of 88 cents to 92 cents a share.
Marriott International inc., the largest U.S. hotel chain, said second-quarter profit rose 42 percent and increased its full-year earnings forecast on improving travel demand.
The Congressional Budget Office recently reached a similar conclusion, and revised up its inflation forecast for this year.
The Reserve Bank of India has raised its inflation forecast for this year to 5%, well above its target of 3%.
The unemployment rate, now at 9.5 percent, is expected to stay high — in the 9 percent range — through the end of this year, under the Fed's forecast.
France's budget deficit this year (8%) is forecast to be closer to Greece's (9.3%) than to Germany's (5%), and it has not balanced its budget for over 30 years.
The OECD has forecast growth of 7.8% this calendar year.
Unemployment is expect to stay high, in the 9 percent range, through the end of this year, under the Fed's forecast.
Unemployment, at only 4.9%, is forecast to keep falling next year.
This year the federation forecast that Mother's Day spending would average $140.73 per mom, for example.
This year the federation forecast that Mother's Day spending would average $140.73 per mom, for example.