Would the guardian of a three-year-old boy wearing a yellow shirt, please contact one of the omployees in your vicinity.
There's a boy in flared pants and a yellow short-sleeved shirt.
Strong in track and field events, Yingying is a quick-witted and agile boy who represents the yellow Olympic ring.
The guide explained how this yellow attirance was fatal to a young boy of the region, who had the habit to store it's toys in a yellow box.
Look, he is a handsome boy. He has two blue big eyes and golden yellow hair.
The clockwork frog was green and the harmonica was yellow. I loved them so much. Consequently, I almost fall in love with the ugly boy who's born in a wealthy family.
The doctor sewed up the boy but hung a yellow sheet on the Clarks' front door. Because of the possibility of rabies, they were being quarantined for fourteen days.
Yingying is a quick-witted and agile boy who represents the yellow Olympic ring.
One little boy on a bright yellow bike dipped his wheels into the edge of the water.
He played fantastic! It was a pity he got a yellow card because I was afraid that a bit naive boy could get a second yellow, so I took him off.
The boy in yellow T-shirt is a semifinal contestant, he is responsible for awarding the diploma to the most popular contestant Huang Tao.
They knew the boy was on a yellow card, they surrounded the referee and that happens, we see it time and time again within football.
Before him stood a naked little boy, with the water streaming down from his yellow hair!
How long will Mary go on languishing for her yellow-haired boy?
It was reported, you wrote the mother of the boy slapped and saying: "The yellow rat should've been shot."
It was reported, you wrote the mother of the boy slapped and saying: "The yellow rat should've been shot."