Yes, I hare that, at present, what we want is stong, independent leader, not a bunch of yes-man.
I imagine I would just get the "yes-man" approach of what I wanted to hear, not what I needed to hear.
It's all too easy to fall into a yes-man culture, especially when workers feel insecure about their jobs.
When you are you looking so bleary eyed with a suit and across slowly the entire office, you must leave the bad impression to the boss, not wake up, do ignored others or be a yes-man.
Yes, he is only 33, but I think we should look at him just as a man on his own, a manager from Portugal, and just give him a chance to succeed.
The man nodded, "Yes, sometimes."
Yes; but it is a slight thing, and your worship knoweth that the poor man-at-arms—
The man nodded, "Yes, a lottery ticket."
"Yes, my little man," Slightly anxiously replied, who had chapped knuckles.
"Yes," said the man sadly, "but what shall we live on while I am writing it?"
The old man laughed, "Yes, I don't have many days left. But so what? Why waste such a lovely day on something that hasn't happened?"
Yes. I see Canada as a short, balding man with thick glasses who stutters when talking to a girl.
Mom: Yes, because a real man doesn't need Mom to worry about him so much.
Yes, with the aid of time, man becomes capable of wresting the immortal from the mortal.
Today, a man might ask out a different woman every day, and not in ten years exhaust the pool of young women who might say yes.
If the answer to each of these questions is at least partly yes, that may mean no more than that Mr Godley was a man of several talents, many interests and an intelligence to make good use of them.
Mom: Yes, you are a superman, so we arrange something that is just suitable for a man like you.
A yes man often comes off as insincere and sleazy.
Supposedly the man from the jungle lives in the jungle, yes? Then, how and where did his beard disappear to?
Yes, you will grow to be a very, very, very, very lucky man who is able to express his nature out loud without fear of hatred or reprisal from any except the most deluded, demented and sad.
A man was standing at the door and smiled and called his name, and he replied "Why, yes, that's me."
"Yes," replied M. DE Boville; "I myself had occasion to see this man in 1816 or 1817, and we could only go into his dungeon with a file of soldiers."
Since he had a stroke six years ago, his mind has become increasingly liberated from reality and he has been known to insist that he is both 150 years old and, yes, the oldest man in the world.
John's friend said, "Yes, I'm not going to let one man ruin my day."
''Yes, he is only 33, but I think we should look at him just as a man on his own, a different manager - yes from Portugal, but a different individual, and just give him a chance to succeed.
Eritreans chose not to put up a statue of Mr. Isaias or some other famous man but of a pair of giant sandals - yes, sandals.
The old man looked down at his worn boots, holes in the toes, scuffed at the barn floor and replied, "Yes, I could use a pair of new boots."
Yes, Mike Tyson, a man who once chewed on human ear, is now vegan.
Yes, Mike Tyson, a man who once chewed on human ear, is now vegan.