Respondents were asked whether or not they texted 'I love you' to their partner on a regular basis, to which 61 per cent replied yes.
If you want to go then say \ \ \ "Yes, I would love to attend and I look forward to it \ \ \" or something along those lines.
Laugh if you must, but I have been invited to a sauerkraut tasting party next month, and yes, I am grateful, and yes, I love sauerkraut.
Yes. I love big living rooms. I think living room is a place where you can enjoy your time with 'friends and family.
Yes, I love doing comedies. You need to practise a lot with.
Yes, the moment I left the house, I realized how much I love you and I couldn't bear the thought of leaving.
Maybe you have already get it, yes, Lily is my dog, --my best friend, I love her.
We are all guilty of beating ourselves up, so to encourage a healthy dose of self-love, I made a list of 10 reasons why you are attractive yes, I'm talking to you!
And I forgot to say it to you in those countless days: Yes, I love you.
But we want you to work on getting to the place where you say, "Yes, I love this unfulfilled desire!"
If I love you I'll tell my parents, yes, the following road is the blind side, but he love me, love my mom like dad, a lifetime that won't change.
For example, if you ask an interviewer if she likes working at the company, she might say, "Yes, I love it," while unconsciously shaking her head side to side-a "no" response.
All right, thank you, Zain, I always love to wrap it up with something warm, and yes, fun.
My dear girls, I really really wanna tell you how much I love you. Yes I do.
Yes, I have fallen in love tranquilly, you may say that I am the dual disposition person!
At least now you will say I love you, at least, and you can chat, I felt most afraid of is that the future we are not even friends, yes.
Tomorrow is the one day of the year in which couples, in love, are required by Hallmark to say to another "Yes, it's true. I actually do love you."
Will you love him, comfort him, honour and protect him, and, forsaking all others, be faithful to him so long as you both shall live? Yes, I will.
Yes, my dear reader, as you may have perceived, I had totally fallen in love with her…
Yes, sister, I do not asked you to trust and love me as your brother, but you should respect me as a human being.
Yes, and I always told you that if you would paint and work at it as you should, instead of making fantasies and falling in love with other people.
EVA Oh ANTHONY! Yes, I will marry you... I love you ANTHONY.
If you need someone who CARES for you, if you "re feeling sad your heart gets colder, yes I show you what real love can do."
Say, "Yes, I'd like to conclude by saying how appealing I find the job and how much I'd love to work for you and show you what I can add."
Yes you are good you got that right, I am in love… but things are not really working out as what I've desired for.
Yes you are good you got that right, I am in love… but things are not really working out as what I've desired for.