Well by now you know that, yes, even though it looks like a historical account, especially by ancient historiographical standards, it's not a historical account in anything like the modern sense.
Now, if you stare long enough at that equation, you'll actually see that, yes, we know that it had to be like that. But, see, so these are useful ways of trying to guess what the graph looks like.
It looks like a Yes album cover.
Yes, it looks like he entered... Ninety seconds ago.
Heidi: Yes. Everyone loves it. And for me, I love it too. It looks like dumpling but fried and it'smore bigger and inside is meat.
PETER: Yes, it looks good. I like the colors. Have we got enough time to promote it? That's my worry. And do we have the price right?
You will know your dog is getting it when you say YES and the dog looks at you like HEY, GIVE ME MY TREAT!
The tide is turning. Last year, yes, we were very successful, but this year, it looks like we will go broke.
A Yes, a It looks like we are going to have a water-powered phone soon.
A Yes, a It looks like we are going to have a water-powered phone soon.