Monsieur Duval moderated his tone a little, yet even so he began saying that he could no longer permit his son to go on ruining himself for me.
The Duke's money paid for it all, as you will have gathered, yet even so Prudence was apt to ask me, from time to time, for the odd thousand- franc note, saying that it was for Marguerite.
This machinery is so precise that a human hair couldn't even pass between the heads and spinning platters, yet it all works in terrific speeds.
Even so, there is just one flaw in all these hymns of praise, for the homage to languages unique accomplishment conceals a simple yet critical incongruity.
So the court, though still widely regarded in Africa with suspicion and sometimes even derision, may yet prove to have teeth.
Don't make any firm decisions or initiations yet, even if you feel pressured to do so.
This technology is so new, that Eaton doesn't even have any buyers for it yet, but based on my experience, it won't be long before it becomes a hot commodity.
Even so, a more balanced recovery in Germany may yet be thwarted by fragile Banks and by the inherent thrift of consumers.
USB 3.0 hardware is still in its infancy, of course, so even 300MB/s sustained isn't attainable yet.
当然,USB 3.0硬件仍然在初期阶段,因此即使维持300MB/s的速度也是不可达到的。
Even so, everyone at McDonald \ 's must be hoping that it will be a long time before the firm faces yet another such emergency.
Let us even go so far as to say that this kind of relationship can sometimes be almost beautiful particularly if one of the parties is already dead, or, better yet, both.
Yet, even so, the statement faced serious internal opposition, with three inflation hawks on the committee voting against it and calling it a mistake.
Yet even he needed reminding of the extent to which Cold war America pushed so many countries toward becoming today's "failed states."
So, even though yet another set of skills will need to be mastered to control these screens, they may well be the wave of the future.
I do believe there is overwhelming evidence that this is so even though it has not yet been scientifically proven.
And even more recently, some people posted two new stores as patches, but they are unfortunately incomplete and lack unit tests, so the code can't go in the toolkit yet.
Yet success in this field is so hard to reliably predict that research has been limited and even venture capitalists tread lightly.
Yet, success in this field is so hard to reliably predict that research has been limited, and even venture capitalists tread lightly.
Yet coral is also at risk from acidification, and more so in colder waters even than in tropical ones, since colder seas tend to be more acidic.
Yet, in a simpler sense, it’s not so unrealistic, because even if it will happen more gradually than laid out here, we will indeed run out of oil.
Yet a new study suggests that even if the jaws and teeth of fossilised creatures look as if they are built to function in a given way, it does not mean that they actually did so.
I had not yet learned the discipline to apply myself to unpleasant tasks (even today, nearly thirty years later, it presents difficulties), so my grades were a perfect reflection of my obsessions.
Men were better informed, but even so less than 30% of the wealthiest class were aware, for example, that someone might be HIV-positive yet look healthy.
So even if a cloned cow's meat or milk has some as yet unidentified harmful characteristic, this should be less likely to be present in produce from any of its descendants.
Yet even though he'd never so much as held a brush in his life, he was suddenly overcome with an urge to paint these scenes, with as much detail as his memory provided him.
All these years I've been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends.
So the developers already have a pretty good idea of how to implement the service, even though they haven't yet implemented a single line of code for it.
So the developers already have a pretty good idea of how to implement the service, even though they haven't yet implemented a single line of code for it.