Yet for all this, the deal does not need to pass a vote in India's Parliament.
But if you will not yet for all this obey me: I will chastise you seven times more for your SINS.
And if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me, then I will punish you seven times more for your SINS.
Yet for all this Mr Diamond is taking over a firm that is still a very long way from being a pure investment bank.
There is no justification in all of science for this idea -- and yet there remains some slim evidence that homeopathy works.
All this is dangerously short-sighted, for Iran may yet do all of these things.
Yet all this happens despite, not thanks to, IBM - for whose execs the mere mention of OS/2 is a stain, a disgusting memory of the company's own defeat and internal incompetence.
Yet it is important, nevertheless, for all observers to remain as humble and objective as possible in the face of the facts of a horror like this.
All this will please the station's other participants-canada, Europe and japan-which have invested a lot in it for, as yet, little return.
This can actually be useful for setting up scenarios where you know the link text, but don't have all of the scenes defined yet as a debugging tool.
This format is simple, concise, retains all the information of earlier formats, retains structure well, yet it is still flexible enough for the semi-structured data.
It goes like this. We always knew that unbridled free markets were a mistake, yet we were derided for saying this; and now we are all paying the price for your excesses.
And yet for all the apparent abundance, this area is so short of food that many are dying from starvation.
Although at this time I have not yet worked out all the details for this algorithm, I plan to use transition diagrams, such as the one in Figure 2.
This is yet another reason for the ideal client-side development tool to support any and all existing communication protocols.
And yet, for all their faults, and for all of the frustration they have created, this week's sanctions are a vital part of holding Iran to account for nuclear proliferation.
Yet it remains to be seen if all this will be enough to restore confidence in growth for a country that accounts for almost one-third of the euro zone's unemployed.
This idea is particularly difficult to believe at first. Yet it is the rationale for all of the preceding ones.
StumbleUpon solves this problem for the 'big guys' by letting you StumbleThru one site for the content that you might like the most. The feature, however, is not available for all sites yet.
StumbleUpon是解决了这个问题的'大家伙' ,让你StumbleThru一个可能有你最喜欢的内容的网站,然而,这一特色,并非适用于所有的网站。
By the end of three months Jonathan had six other students, Outcasts all, yet curious about this strange new idea of flight for the joy of flying.
All the reasons for the details of this chronology have not yet been discovered.
Michael Essien has been brilliant all season and we have to give him a lot of credit for this because he is not a defender and yet he has done really well.
Yet marriage is not condemned, but the words, "All men take not this word, but they to whom it is given", imply that it is the ordinary state, celibacy for God's sake being merely a counsel.
Yet, for all this blight of ignorance and folly, fallen man has not been left without some ministries of Providence, nor has God, in his anger, shut up his mercies.
Yet this world, for all its limitations, remains a living, growing entity.
There are many levels and many parts to be played out … yet we are all in this together … and I … for one … think it is wondrous.
CSS changes all that, and this is why I theorize, along with many others, that we've not yet learned to design for the web.
Yet the car park on the edge of the crater is nearly empty. This is a boon for daring travelers who can enjoy all the beauty without having to share it with hordes of others visitors.
大胆的旅游者甚至把汽车停在火山口边缘,借此独览火山口的全部美景,而不必簇拥在 一大 群 游客中与别人一同分享。
Yet the car park on the edge of the crater is nearly empty. This is a boon for daring travelers who can enjoy all the beauty without having to share it with hordes of others visitors.
大胆的旅游者甚至把汽车停在火山口边缘,借此独览火山口的全部美景,而不必簇拥在 一大 群 游客中与别人一同分享。