Don't tell me how it ends—I haven't read it all the way through yet.
Yet sift through the wreckage of discarded European ambition, and all is not quite what it seems.
Yet over 60% of all the rain and snow that hits the ground cannot be captured because it evaporates from the soil or transpires through plants.
Yet a consistent principle runs through these efforts: that it is better to sit down with all parties, even those considered pariahs, than to exclude anyone from peace talks.
He had not as yet had time or opportunity to Pierce through all the barriers with which his profession is hedged in, and so become completely immersed in it.
Don't tell me how it ends I haven't read all the way through yet.
Though I have profound remorse that it was through others' pain, I am unspeakably grateful for all that I have learned, and found that I have still yet to learn, because of the people in my life.
You want to work out your differences through rational and concise communication, yet you keep slipping back into the drama of it all.
All the Windows were closed when the downpour came, yet the floor was found wet through afterwards. It just didn't add up.
Through the thin layers of paper strong enough to hold all that it bears to say, every single one speaking the same language of oneness yet so unique.
Through the thin layers of paper strong enough to hold all that it bears to say, every single one speaking the same language of oneness yet so unique.