He refused to yield up his gun.
Are the citizens still refusing to yield up the town?
The corresponding nitro alcohols were obtained in yield up to 96%.
Bonds: the price on the benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury fell, pushing the yield up to 3.40% from 3.39% late Thursday.
Bonds: the price on the benchmark 10-year U. S. Treasury fell, pushing the yield up to 3.40% from 3.39% late Thursday.
As investors poured into the stock market, the price of the 10-year Treasury note fell, pushing its yield up to 3.822%.
The technological process of the present invention is suitable for industrial production and relatively low cost, and high yield up to 5 %.
The oil shale of Wulidui Formation in the Wucheng Basin, Tongbai occurs as brown-black, thin and soft slices with an average oil yield up to 6.
When it buys securities, in theory, that should drive up the price and drive down the yield.
If shares in a company, say General Electric, stayed above a given level, investors received a high yield; if the shares dropped below that level, they ended up owning the stock.
Third, customers have to suspend disbelief and try to behave as if having the team explore its way to the final product will yield better results than specifying everything up front.
Rather than cranking up the output level for the entire application, perhaps focusing in on a specific package will yield more information.
In such cases, looking up an attribute by name could yield better performance than looking it up by index.
Doing deals doesn't yield the deep rewards that come from building up people.
Driving up the price of bonds reduces their yield, and in effect the interest rate.
But during the Cold War, a handful of soldiers were ready to start a nuke fight, right up-close and personal, using portable launchers and low-yield bombs.
Such bottom-up approaches typically yield Services that don't match up with process requirements.
The Spanish 10-year yield has shot up in recent days and was above 500bp on Thursday.
Add up the element scores to yield an overall product maturity score on a scale from 0 to 100.
Economists on Wall Street have indicated that a 25 to 60 basis-point increase in yield may occur on the 10-year Treasury bond - pushing rates up to around 3%.
华尔街的经济师们一直预测10年期国债收益率可能上升25 -60个基点——这样收益率将升至3%。
The S&P 500 already is up 39% since March 9 and high-yield bonds are up 31%.
The yield on the 10-year bond has risen by 38 basis points during the past three days alone and is now up to 3.26%.
The yield on the 10-year bond has risen by 38 basis points during the past three days alone and is now up to 3.26%.