I bet you I ain't going to throw off on di'monds.
I bet there are a lot of things about Groundhog Day that you probably don't know.
I bet you stayed up analyzing the stocks you gave me.
Whenever famous actresses get together to make a "woman's film" you can bet on an overload of sentimental mush.
If you ever wake up feeling like your face is a little puffy, this toner is your best bet for calming and tightening your skin.
I mentioned this before—I think I mentioned it before—if you say, I'm going to ask you to bet on a coin toss.
If I ask about the earliest thing you can remember, I'll bet for most of you, your earliest memory would be from about age 3, right?
I bet you I'll lam Sid for that.
If everybody you hang around with is laughing at what John wore, then you can bet that wearing something similar will get you the same kind of negative attention.
If I had gone to the game, you bet I would have enjoyed seeing our team win.
Why, I bet you Johnny Miller couldn't any more do this than nothing.
You bet. Just let me know when, and I'll be there.
San Francisco based WeatherBill, the service which lets you bet on the weather (it can also be used for insurance), took down their landing page and launched today.
You bet we would be pleased. It would be one of the most remarkable discoveries in a long time.
You bet I am proud, but what really matters to me is that she grew up to be warm and kind, with an easygoing, unassuming demeanor.
"You bet," he replied, "I used to work for an electric power company, but I got tired of thinking my best would never be good enough."
Were there better speakers released in 2010? You bet.
The French have it, the Italians have it, but does America really have a wine culture all its own? You bet we do.
She'll probably insist on having the very last penny that is due to her — you bet she will.
Clues from the story of a "dare you" bet the game, the story of two childhood life together.
If you bet this as a single the bookmaker may have a theoretical edge in his favor of 15%.
'You bet I... don't,' he exclaimed and rolled on the floor, laughing at my surprised look.
When you said it, I thought you bet me he was gonna get 19 points in one WEEK, but you said he was gonna get 19 points in one GAME!
For example, with Apple releasing a "new product" and potentially news about the iPhone on Wednesday, you bet that I'm going to create some custom feeds.
I am convinced that nothing we do is more important than hiring and developing people. At the end of the day you bet on people, not on strategies.
You bet! All my uncles and aunts are taking their children there.
Before you bet on a reversal, be sure your exit strategy and money management are fine-tuned.
You bet big time money, but you are one of those cool dudes who are sure of themselves.
Is this job tough? You bet. Oh God, you bet. But it is not impossible. We can do this. We're educators. We're born to make a difference.
Is this job tough? You bet. Oh God, you bet. But it is not impossible. We can do this. We're educators. We're born to make a difference.