Alan looked at him and said calmly, "I don't believe you."
"Even when I was ill I wanted to see you," he said, "you and Dickon and the secret garden."
The days when a kid came home from school and said, "I got into trouble", and dad said, "you probably deserved it", are over.
I asked him about the new sign, and he said, "You kids are stealing too much stuff."
After a while, a man rushed into the crowd, took the violinist's shoulders and said, "I knew you would certainly come."
"How good you are, my Fairy," said Pinocchio, drying his eyes,"and how much I love you!"
The teacher noticed the students' surprise and said, "I want you to write about what you see there."
"You can go and leave her here. I will ring for you when I want you to take her away," said Mr. Craven.
"There, I can help you," said Dummling, "just come with me and you shall be satisfied."
She embraced little Gerda, and said, "They shall not kill you as long as I am not displeased with you."
You have heard, I suppose, all she said; for she spoke loud enough, and you were listening.
I was trying to save the moment as best as I could, and I said, "Judy, do you remember the old experiment that Elliot Aronson did on attractiveness?"
Deta was not easily intimidated, and said: "I am sorry, but I thought this child would suit you."
I thought you prayed for me--and I could see you and hear every word you said.
"Nobody believes you about that any more, and I won't either," Heidi said resolutely.
"Then," said the man, "go with me, and I will teach you to become the cunningest thief that ever was."
Next day, Heidi came to Clara in the afternoon and said, "Can I always, always read to you now, Clara?"
"Let your repentance salt my shoe leather," I said presently, " and then, as I lately sheathed my blade of anger, so sheath you my blade of love."
He held the food, smiled and said, "May God bless you!" I looked at the old man and he made me think of my father.
"Look," he said in a confidential tone, "I want you to know that me and Joey are cops."
This elderly woman was struggling out of the train and I said, "Oh, can I help you?"
"You are a good, kind, clever girl," he said, "and I am indeed a proud and a stupid toad."
"I thought you would want it back," he said a little bitterly, and offered to return her the thimble.
"I can give my customers a promise: if you eat at Peony Restaurant, I guarantee that everything you get will be the safest and the best," Yang said.
"Please, Sir," he said, "I wish you would kindly let me try and drive the car for a little."
"I see this work won't do," said he, "try and spin; perhaps you will do that better."
Tom poured the mass of yellow coin upon the table and said, "There--what did I tell you?"
"I know you don't care how merry my Christmas is, and that's fine," the gesture said.
Mama gave Sam a hug and said, "I hope you congratulated Bob."
Mama gave Sam a hug and said, "I hope you congratulated Bob."