It is a very important voice that says, you are my beloved son; you are my beloved daughter.
He came to open our ears to the voice that also says to us, "you are my beloved son, you are my beloved daughter, my favour rests on you."
And a voice came from heaven, "you are my Son the beloved with you I am well pleased."
Mother of memories! The most beloved lover ah, you are all my joy, all the feelings.
If you knew how I need to know that you are happy, my beloved, almost as much as to know I am loved by you!
As soon as the figure came in and took up her baby, he saw it was his real wife, and caught her in his arms, saying, "You are my own beloved wife, as beautiful as ever."
If one forgets about, there are reminders, and this is my reminder for you, my beloved ones.
The memory of the mother ah! Most beloved lover, you are all my joy, all friendship. (France)?
"My beloved father, you are a man who knows almost everything. It is a pity that I understand you so late." at the age of 60.
The sixty-year-old:" My beloved father, you are a man who knows almost everything. It is pity that I understand you so late."
The fifty-year-old:"My beloved father, you are a man who knows almost everything. It is a pity that I understand you so late."
If you knew how I need to know that you are happy, my beloved, almost as much as to know I am loved by you!
My dear fellow alumni, you are most welcome to share your views and thoughts on our beloved university.
My beloved teacher, you are the spring breeze that moistens our hearts. The love you have given us will lead us through a long and arduous journey.
My beloved teacher, you are the spring breeze that moistens our hearts. The love you have given us will lead us through a long and arduous journey.