Okay, now that I've thoroughly scared you about what kinds of threats are out there, I'll take a look at how you can protect yourself from harm.
So the man said, "Okay, since you know everything, now, can you tell me how many beans are in my hand?"
Okay. Now this gentleman out here is actually doing it different from what I am doing and what most of you are doing but you know what? He's doing it correctly.
So, you have parts of your brain that are basically telling you now, largely in the frontal lobes, that are — "Okay." Keep your pants on.
Okay, now that you are done looking at this piece of exceptional artistry, I will show you how it?
The bull-in-the-china-shop routine might have worked when you were stealing gumballs, but our asses are on the line now, okay?
The bull-in-the-china-shop routine might have worked when you were stealing gumballs, but our asses are on the line now, okay?