It represents a part of you or a situation you are scared to confront.
DREAM: you are in a vehicle that is spinning out of control. You desperately try to slow down because you are scared of crashing.
Take this example: you put money into a saving account which gives you a poor return rate but you do so because you are "scared" of losing your money.
Okay, now that I've thoroughly scared you about what kinds of threats are out there, I'll take a look at how you can protect yourself from harm.
Now that so many of you have discovered your spiritual self, and realize that you are immortal they are running scared.
Benjamin: What are you doing here? You weren't supposed to come until tomorrow. You scared the hell out of me man!
If you enjoy learning, if you are not scared of risk, if the rewards appeal to you, if you are prepared to put in the work, you have a great project ahead of you.
You are in a vehicle that is spinning out of control. You desperately try to slow down because you are scared of crashing.
When you are scared… I'll take the piss out of the you for it every chance I get.
Are you looking at may be running a marathon but your scared of the distance, you may have seen so many people fail or just talk it up but never do the run.
You decide to stay with him to in case of losing him , though you are scared.
You decide to stay with him to in case of losing him , though you are scared.