Change comes whether you ask for it or not.
You can get what you want on Monday if you ask for it the right way.
It's unlikely people are going to hand you what you want in life, unless you ask for it.
All the information you need is pulled into the web app dynamically every time you ask for it.
When you want something and you ask for it, you will more likely get it. Don't be afraid to ask.
It can't be found on restaurant menus, but chefs from Tuscany and Umbria will know exactly what you mean if you ask for it.
It can’t be found on restaurant menus, but chefs from Tuscany and Umbria will know exactly what you mean if you ask for it。
Thee phrase means to beg, to ask for a "handout", for something that you cannot claim as your own. You ask for it as an act of charity.
If you were to ask which bit in the Sumerian word corresponds to the pronoun "it" in the English translation "when he had made it suitable for her", then the answer would have to be nothing.
Why didn't you ask for help, rather than trying to do it on your own?
I've been waiting for you to ask me the question yourself, and you're being obtuse and slow about it.
One thing, however, is certain: your chances of getting the raise you feel you deserve are less if you don't at least ask for it.
It may be a good idea to ask your American friends to look at the way you're writing, and give you some suggestions for improvement.
If you feel you deserve a significant raise in pay, you'll probably have to ask for it.
Make sure you get all that you need and, most importantly, ask for it politely!
It is important to know when to ask for help and understand why you need it.
He said, "I will ask you one last time: will you sell it for 3,000 dollars?"
If you are someone who loves to show physical affection, you should not be afraid to show it or drastically change your behaviors—just ask for consent beforehand!
She won't actually ask you for it, just trade her one after the mission is finished.
Let's say that a customer, wants a custom built motorcycle, and they ask you to build it for them.
Don't worry about forgetting any of them; the build system will stop and ask you for it.
The problem is that the image registry only gives out Images. You can't ask it for an ImageDescriptor.
Explain what you are seeing, how it is impacting you and your work, and ask for advice.
And it basically means you have to be careful what you ask for because you might get it.
Whenever you land on a website you like stop for a moment and ask yourself why you like it.
Ask for help when you need it; seek the wisdom the world holds and hold on to it.
When you ask for what you need, whether it's emotional support or household chores, it helps to use the manners mama taught you.
When you ask for details, you make it harder for liars, who has to make new things up and also check that what they say is consistent with what they have said before.
Just like anything in life, you aren't going to get what you want if you don't ask for it.
When you're figured out what you want to ask for, do it with certainty, boldness and confidence.