If I have Avogadro number of these things in a long line, you can bet it is going to be a solid.
Let's be realistic: if your life is anywhere as busy as mine (and I bet it is), exercise just isn't going to happen unless you map out time for it.
You can bet your ass that everything is happening the exact way it has to to give you the opportunities needed to reach the level of prosperity & abundance you want & desire.
But I will bet you that it is already leading to a staggering increase in overall literary output.
Unless you're sure what you want to do and where the leading center for it is, your best bet is probably to try living in several places when you're young.
Overall, if you want to use GPT, your best bet is to install your distribution's GRUB 0.97 and hope that it includes the GPT patches.
总的说来,如果您想使用GPT,最好的途径是安装发行版GRUB 0.97并包含GPT补丁。
Since yfrog comes from the guys behind ImageShack, you can bet it is going to be extremely simple, with a singular purpose in mind.
Since yfrog comes from the guys behind ImageShackImageShack, you can bet it is going to be extremely simple, with a singular purpose in mind.
You can't tell in advance what alignment an allocated region will have, so your best bet is to allocate a bit of extra storage and get an aligned region within it. Here's one way to do that
Because NLHE is a game where you can bet any amount at any time, it could feel like there are a ton of ways to build a pot.
Is this job tough? You bet. Oh God, you bet. But it is not impossible. We can do this. We're educators. We're born to make a difference.
We bet you didn't know that one of the health benefits of spinach is that it's very helpful for growing fetus as it supports in developments of the new nervous system.
Japanese, do not be driven by your wild ambition. Does a careful calculation before you place your bet! It is awkward when you make a fool of yourself.
Something, you can bet that it is worthwhile, and that I have read it and use it . In.
If you decide to purchase a health insurance plan for your pot bellied pig make sure it is one that it will still be valid at the end of your pets life, which could bet twenty years away.
Packing is an unavoidable part of any trip and it is especially daunting for a long journey. I bet what you are worrying about now is packing enough things.
I bet you have heard the story about how cows fart so much methane that it is endangering the ozone layer.
I bet it is also a little dangerous, so you better watch yourself around it, as I know it likes to bite people.
In general, if you do not see a reasonable chance to win more than half the pot, it is time to pack up and fold, unless you want to make a bluff or semi-bluff bet.
That is how a strong a rule it was! I bet you won't find any parents today who agree strongly with this one.
Q is for QUIT - Several managers are already set to call it day following the finals, and you can bet a couple more will follow in the wake of disastrous first-round exits.
This means that when it is checked to you in late position, you can often just steal the pot out right with a bet.
Flora: You bet. Dating can become very serious at this stage, but most Americans agree that this is good for teenagers because it helps them to develop emotionally.
Flora: You bet. Dating can become very serious at this stage, but most Americans agree that this is good for teenagers because it helps them to develop emotionally.