Also, the device can play MP3 files, so you can listen to music or read a book!
此外,该装置能播放mp 3文件,所以你可以听音乐或阅读一本书!
You can listen to music, too, if you enjoy it, but you'll learn language best by listening to speech.
Music is something all around you. You can listen to music and you can feel what the music says. Through the lyrics, you feel the connection.
You can listen to meditation music, which can relieve stress and relax your mind.
Do you have any recommendations for different types of Chinese music I can listen to?
If it makes you happy and you can maintain productivity, listen to music while you work.
Listen to the music you love. The right melodies for you can soothe frayed nerves.
LL: Do you know of any good joints nearby, Xiaoyan, where you can have a beer and listen to music?
As with much good music, you need to listen to it a few times before you can appreciate it fully.
You can listen to Wagner's music - it's magnificent, and he was a terrible person.
Supporters of the French law point out that if you buy a music cassette at a shop, you can listen to it on any cassette player that takes your fancy. You do not have to play it on a Walkman.
You can watch a romantic DVD afterwards or just listen to some music, sit on the couch and talk; 3. Get some paper and write a love poem or a letter to him/her.
If you listen carefully to this piece of music, you can hear a flute in the background.
You can listen to different music each time you start listening: just select some folders from your music, including your compilation folders.
You can message your friends and see what's new in their lives, share photos, watch films, and listen to music.
This way, even when you're out and about, you can listen to your favourite music and read the lyrics at the same time!
这样的话,即使当你在外到处走动,你也可以在听你最爱的音乐同时阅读歌词啦! !
If you listen carefully to this piece of music, you can hear a flute in the background.
Its a 14 minute interview. You can listen to it directly at the bottom of this page, or you can download it to play later through your music player.
Listening to new music or a music genre you don't normally listen to can provide you with the spark or idea to think or solve a problem.
This way, you can still listen to music, take photos and read, but you can't connect to the Internet and get sucked into the black hole of wasting time.
Music can give you unlimited motivation to achieve goals, because you still want to listen to glorious music.
The trendiest is Coffee Garden . At the Coffee Garden, you can get the best coffee in town, listen to the most popular music, and eat the most delicious cheesecakes.
Besides, if you want to watch films or slides, you can ask the projectionist to play the videotape for you in the audio visual room, where you can also listen to language tapes and music tapes.
Do you like the quiet? I can take you into town and we can go for nice meals and listen to some music if you would like.
It will not affect normal operation of your mobile phone, so you can still listen to music, receive and initiate calls and messages.
If you can listen to some light music or take part in some activities, you will feel much better.
If you can listen to some light music or take part in some activities, you will feel much better.