You choose to do things and by dint of your choices, some choices become more learned than others.
I can promise you one thing: whatever you choose to do for a career, if you work hard at it, eventually special things will happen.
You can choose to do things other think you should do or you can do things you think you should do.
There's a value, and a beauty, to making things yourself, but you must be selective about which things you choose to do.
'These are things you choose to do, rather than have to do,' notes one of the study's co-authors, Prof. Schkade of the University of California, San Diego.
该研究报告的作者之一、加州大学圣地亚哥分校(Universityof California, SanDiego)的施卡德教授指出,这些事情都是你选择去做的,而不是被迫去做的。
If you have to choose, be the one who does things, instead of the one who is seen to do things.
If you buy everything for your children still they take things that do not belong to them, it is because you don't let them choose.
Clearly, what you choose to do will need to reflect your personal circumstances, but here are ten things you might consider.
This means that whatever you choose to take on, limits your ability to do other things.
Clearly, what you choose to do will need to reflect your personal circumstances, Ralph Lauren Sac à main en canevas, but here are ten things you might consider.
Go and say to David, 'Thus says the LORD, Three things I offer you; choose one of them, that I may do it to you.
If you have to choose, be the one who does things, instead of the one who is seen to do things.
But if you're still really not sure what you'd like to do - or perhaps you feel like there's so many things to choose from - then try this.
Whether you do or don't, there are so many things here to think about in terms of how you choose to spend your time.
Principle 4. You cant do everything that is available to do; you have choose certain things over others.
Principle 4. You cant do everything that is available to do; you have choose certain things over others.