And then you come over here and you find that it's not corny at all.
"If you look at all the Dutch players who have come over here, and I mean ones with real quality, they always need longer," said the Spaniard.
But sometimes lessons can come from other law enforcement agencies: he is in a white bronco. Can you just send somebody over here?
Should I visit you, or would you like to come over here and see our setup?
Okay, "he said, helping me down the stairs and to the curb," I'm going to stay here and keep an ear out for the babies. You go over to the Coke machine, get your Coke and come back out.
The American Dream lures people from all over the world, and it's because of this possibility: If you come here and work hard, your kids will have a better life than you.
美国梦是一种相信只要在美国经过努力不懈的奋斗便能获得更好生活的理想。 但是在现在好像美国人自己都认为美国梦已很难实现了…
"Come along here! " called Peter again. "You are not to fall over the rocks, your grandfather gave orders that you were not to do so. "
Rich! I'm glad I caught you. Mr. Carlton's just come over here from the main office.
As you come down the hill, further into the area that the red sludge, this toxic sludge hit, you can begin to see, you can see how the level rises against the side of the buildings over here.
Tang: Good-bye Mr Palmer. Come over here when you are through with your business and we'll have a friendly chat.
You could think to come all the way over here from Jackson's Island in the night to laugh at our troubles, and you could think to fool me with a lie about a dream;
Zhang Ping: Liang Fang, could you please come over here?
Zhang Ping: Liang Fang, could you please come over here?