Why didn't you fix the old stereo?Why didn't you eat dinner?;
When you eat dinner out, reduce the temptation to clean your plate by setting aside one-third of your meal.
If you are at home trying to decide where to go for dinner, however, the knowledge component may prevail, and you decide to go where you can eat a healthier meal.
Now, if you also eat out a lot for dinner, eating in for dinner would save you just as much.
Spend the day consuming nutrient-dense vegetables. Train your stomach to become smaller - thus when it is time to eat dinner you probably won't be able to binge.
Ask where to eat dinner in a new city, for example, or how to extend your iPhone's battery life, and you are sure to get answers.
And really, whether you're vegetarian or meat eater, that's probably all you really eat on a regular basis any way (for dinner, at least). Most people only have 7-10 recipes that they cook regularly.
而且不论你是素食者还是肉食者你会发现它们渐渐成为了你日常饮食(至少是正餐)的标准。大部分人都有7 - 10条常用菜谱如果你有很多美味的食谱你会很乐于继续素食。
Then, instead of making dinner, I'd eat some yogurt and granola and flip on the TV (you know, only planning to watch while I ate dinner).
Hopefully nobody chose to eat dinner while watching the show (but you know better than that by now, don't you?)
So serve up dinner on blue plates, dress in blue while you eat, and cover your table with a blue tablecloth.
You consider everything from what to eat for dinner before the race to breakfast, race attire, fuel and pacing.
Fred, could you tear yourself away from the newspaper long enough to come and eat dinner?
If you're going to a dinner, be sure you eat lunch or have a snack in the afternoon.
As long as you are willing to be patient and to eat nothing but rice for dinner occasionally.
Your children are choosing not to eat dinner because it gives them power over you and control of their own lives - something that they need and want.
Then she gave each of them a piece of bread, and said, "You must keep that to eat for your dinner, and don't quarrel over it, for you will get nothing more."
In addition to the three meals each day, you will also eat a snack between breakfast and lunch, and then again between lunch and dinner.
Although you may already be thinking about your dinner menu for the evening, you may not be considering the fact that everything you eat has an impact on your health.
If you do go to a Greek home for dinner, do your best to eat everything on your plate.
I cook, you wash the dishes, ok Dinner is ready. Come to eat. Wash your hands first.
From fresh salads to all-you-can-eat crab legs and decadent desserts, Palette Dining Studio is a crowd pleaser for brunch, lunch, or dinner.
What is your favourite food to eat for dinner? Describe it, say when you eat it and who with, and say why you like it.
Switch the TV off when you're eating your dinner; studies show that watching television while you eat means you could be taking in 40% more calories than normal.
Switch the TV off when you're eating your dinner; studies show that watching television while you eat means you could be taking in 40% more calories than normal.