Do you fancy that she has any desire to float on the water and take dives?
You can have a bath in the lip, or rotate it around to give you a shower cabinet if you fancy that instead.
I fancy there are few persons living today who ever knew the secret of that window, but I am one, as you shall see.
You may not recognize the aneroid by its fancy name, but it's the arm cuff system that you've likely seen before.
When you choose to buy expensive clothes, large homes, fancy cars latest and greatest phones, computers or other gadgets you are solidifying your dependency on that high salary.
If you once allow yourself to regard a child as so much material for you to manufacture into any shape that happens to suit your fancy you are defeating the experiment of the Life Force.
I'm not complaining, but why would you pay all that money for a fancy alarm system and leave your house without setting it?
Money may not buy you happiness. But it can buy a strong correlation with a fancy new index that aims to put a number on contentment.
You even have the important insight that you desired damaging men, but don't fancy this good man, who loves you.
For today, though, I wanted to demonstrate that you don't need fancy web calculators or personal-finance programs to answer certain questions.
Try to avoid overlaps: do you really need that fancy word processor – or is the simple text editor you already have enough?
If it doesn't work out, you will have spent all that cash on a fancy restaurant and red roses for nothing.
"But I can assure you," she added, "that Lizzy does not lose much by not suiting his fancy; for he is a most disagreeable, horrid man, not at all worth pleasing."
What about the entire periodic table? That exercise is trickier because you have to arrange the data into the familiar format based on group and period, which requires some fancy coding.
We may feel that because they have the training, experience or fancy job titles that they know what's best for you when it comes to your money.
That means if you use big body movements and fancy footwork you may look like a show off but subconsciously women will desire you.
Now that you've seen my sample workout, you can create your own by picking whatever exercises tickle your fancy.
There she lay dashing her head against the arm of the sofa, and grinding her teeth, so that you might fancy she would crash them to splinters!
You'd adjust the brightness and contrast Settings on that fancy 42 "HDTV you've just bought: why wouldn't you do the same for the computer displays that you stare at every day?"
No one that matters really and truly cares if you have a fancy car, big house, fancy clothes or make a gazillion dollars a year.
You don't want to be in a bad mood when you're taking a test, no evidence that it really sort of fundamentally changes the brain or re-organizes the way your neurons or anything fancy like that.
But now that you've seen some of the advantages that Xen can provide, explore the Resources below to learn some of the more fancy tricks you can do with it.
You don’t have to penetrate your partner 100% of the time. You can do just about anything that tickles your fancy.
If you really want to get fancy, you can create a persistent Ubuntu flash drive that saves your Settings.
You can't use any of the tooling or wizards that can do fancy things like generate client proxies from a WSDL. This is usually the case because a WSDL cannot describe the maverick web service.
这里有个大问题就是缺乏统一,您不能使用任何工具或向导来随心所欲的做事情,比如通过WSDL生成客户端代理器,因为 WSDL不能描述非规范 Web 服务。
Supporters of the French law point out that if you buy a music cassette at a shop, you can listen to it on any cassette player that takes your fancy. You do not have to play it on a Walkman.
Supporters of the French law point out that if you buy a music cassette at a shop, you can listen to it on any cassette player that takes your fancy. You do not have to play it on a Walkman.