The bird will show us a mysterious nature park. Can you guess what it looks like?
Can you guess what we did there? Not for amusement but to take part in a volunteer Labour.
Can you guess what the present value of $10 million in 100 years would be at that discount rate?
Latin can open many doors for you, though the word you never look, can you guess what mean it is.
Watch as our friends reveal unique characteristics of the hidden object - can you guess what it is?
Homework assignment: Can you guess what would happen if I specified tracegroups for this second pass as well?
Mr White followed a parking sign, but a policeman gave him a ticket. Can you guess what that sign reads?
Can you guess what happens when you acquire the thing -money, fame, "love", amazing writing skills -that you've wanted for so long?
Can you guess what happens when you acquire the thing - money, fame, "love", amazing writing skills - that you've wanted for so long?
If you guess what else is available, a team or committee to be speculating about his reliability, because the risk of error too cause the General Assembly.
When I went back to my doctor to hear the results of my lab tests, I tried to keep a poker face even though I was scared to death. Then you guess what he said.
One day I chat with small partners, and I told them that one day I will go to the NBA game, you guess what they react, they laughed at me, they laughed at my dream.
His mind sees the image of the ball flying into the water, so guess where the ball will go. Consequently, before going into any stressful situation, focus only on what you want to have happen.
His mind sees the image of the ball flying into the water. So guess where the ball will go? Consequently, before going into any stressful situation, focus only on what you want to have happen.
You can guess what happens—more "weeds" grow as the child gets older.
You can probably guess what happened next: Dan's work life calmed down, and he became more serious about his personal life.
OK, I can certainly print out strings, but I can actually add strings together, and just as you saw, I can multiply strings, you can kind of guess what this is going to do.
Maybe you don't even know what this — do you all know what carbon paper — I guess you do know what this is, right?
When you've never been with a woman or had a girlfriend, you're really just making a guess at what you want.
You can probably guess the next question. What do we call a plant that produces new growth year after year?
Taking time to read the map instead of blindly heading off in what you guess might be the right direction makes sense.
You give your partner a letter and they have to guess what body part you are thinking of that starts with that letter.
If looking at the sky makes you remember about floaters then guess what?
You can probably guess by now what the interface will look like in the implicit header case.
And, of course, you can guess that what will follow is figuring out how to find the potential when there is one.
You can't be expected to guess what she wants, but I would recommend that you try to find out. How? By asking.
Learn to live without control. If you don't control much of your life, guess what?
You can probably guess what happens next, but here's the video, released justminutes ago (via @SteveRubel): If you enjoyed this, go here for more iPad torturing.
You can probably guess what happens next, but here's the video, released justminutes ago (via @SteveRubel): If you enjoyed this, go here for more iPad torturing.