As you identify the automatic thought, you need to see it for what it is: a hypothesis, a guess — rather than a fact.
What it shows you too is that, remember when we looked at, did I erase it? I guess it's gone.
I guess what I am trying to say is that when you decide to recover, accept that it is a process and it does take time.
Dancing is wonderful training for girls. It's the first way you learn to guess what a man is going to do before he does it.
GARETH MITCHELL: Bringing it onto your music collection, I guess what this software is able to do, is to make patterns between, the kind and links between the kinds of things that you like.
Latin can open many doors for you, though the word you never look, can you guess what mean it is.
I guess what you said just now is too far from our topic to catch it, we have no interest in it.
I guess what you said just now is too far from our topic to catch it, we've no interest in it.
I also read you can make a client app connect to the database through SQL Server Native client but then I need it installed on every PC. So I guess my question is, what is the proper way to do this?
He talked to my agent, and my agent told him, 'call Pete.' I still haven't gotten a phone call back. I guess you take it for what it is.
So I decide to leave you. It is waste of my life living with you. I don't care what are you thinking any more. Darling...... I just don't want to guess.
Listen as the pair describe the physical and functional features of the missing object and see if you can help guess what it is!
Watch as our friends reveal unique characteristics of the hidden object - can you guess what it is?
Watch as our friends reveal unique characteristics of the hidden object - can you guess what it is?
Watch as our friends reveal unique characteristics of the hidden object - can you guess what it is?
Watch as our friends reveal unique characteristics of the hidden object - can you guess what it is?