If cycling each day can make you healthier, why not commit yourself to it and have a better life?
It won't make you healthier or happier.
That makes you healthier and more energetic.
It is reported eating fruits everyday will make you healthier.
So not only do dogs start conversations, they may also make you healthier.
And, unlike lots of chocolate, lots of smiling can actually make you healthier.
"There is a ton of research that suggest that having more friends makes you healthier," Fowler said.
These results suggest that laughter stimulates the immune system and ultimately makes you healthier.
For the past two decades food manufacturers have grown fat selling "functional foods" that claim to make you healthier.
What if this way was proven to boost your immune system, help you sleep better, reduce stress and keep you healthier?
So this study got me wondering: Can changing how you think about stress make you healthier? And here the science says yes.
因此,这一研究使我觉得疑惑: : 是否改变对压力的态度能够使人们更健康?科学告诉我们确实如此。
No one likes injections, but they keep you healthier, and most people find them to be much less trouble than they expected.
Learn how to cook at least a handful of foods you enjoy: It'll save you money, keep you healthier, and occasionally impress people.
Has it improved relationships? Has it made you healthier? Your friend, your ego is telling you, maybe it has made some things better.
Expecting good things can make you healthier and might even lengthen your life, says researcher Suzanne Segerstrom, PhD, author of Breaking Murphy's Law.
Dressing young can make you healthier. Glasses make you look smarter but less attractive. How a female celebrity dresses can tell you how short her marriage will be.
The message is crystal clear – if you lose weight, you will have a happier, healthier, better life.
The good news is, you can snip them right off, and immediately your hair will look healthier.
If you are at home trying to decide where to go for dinner, however, the knowledge component may prevail, and you decide to go where you can eat a healthier meal.
If you keep doing sports, you will be much healthier than before.
Getting enough sleep at night allows us to keep our heart health. You will have a healthier heart if you can get at least 7 hours of sleep every night.
That’s why we’re going to show you how to become a healthier, happier, more resilient woman right now.
All you have to do is replace the unhealthy food with healthier alternatives - and you almost always get to enjoy more of the healthy food.
When you lift weights, your muscles get stronger and healthier.
Paying attention to the small print -- most importantly, the ingredients list -- can help you make healthier choices.
It is not so buried in trees, 'I replied,' and it is not quite so large, but you can see the country beautifully all round; and the air is healthier for you — fresher and dryer.
You may wish to visualise yourself slimmer, healthier or wealthier for example.
When you combine healthier eating with exercise your body will respond favorably and the stress levels will start to decrease.
The most intriguing reason why conscientious people live longer is that having a conscientious personality leads you into healthier situations and relationships.
You will also learn new and healthier ways of coping so that you will be prepared to deal with future problems when they arise.